Book An Emergency Relationship Counseling Session

For Couples In Crisis Who Need Help Fast 

If your relationship is at a breaking point, an emergency relationship counseling session will help.

You need emergency relationship counseling if

There is a threat of divorce or breaking up. 

You just found out your spouse had an affair.

One of you said you’re no longer in love. 

You cheated, and now you need to talk about it.

You feel like your marriage is doomed.

You’ve been fighting for days or weeks. 

You feel like you can no longer deal with toxic behaviors.

There is constant arguing, and you don’t feel safe opening up.

Your partner’s family keeps trying to break you up. 

The avoidance and silence hurt too much, and you’re struggling to connect.

Get help before things get worse

It’s common for couples in a crisis to make things worse. 

For example, in an argument, maybe you say things you don’t mean. You might threaten to end the relationship or attack in ways that feel impossible to recover from. 

Get support now so things between you don’t fracture beyond repair.  

When intense betrayal happens in a marriage, not all relationships recover – especially if you don’t get help.

No matter what you’re facing, an emergency relationship counseling session provides swift support to help you resolve relationship issues and find a way forward.

Despite how hopeless things may seem, healing from past hurts and moving toward a loving, healthy relationship is possible. 

There is hope.

With extensive backgrounds helping couples from the most severe issues, we’re here to help you and your partner turn things around and grow closer. 

Emergency Relationship Counseling

When to book an emergency relationship counseling session

When you can’t see a positive way to heal your relationship, an emergency relationship counseling session offers you a way forward. 

Online Emergency Relationship Counseling Session

Betrayal or infidelity

If there has been infidelity or a significant breach of trust in your relationship, an emergency relationship counseling session starts the healing process. 

We help you navigate the emotional fallout of the affair or betrayal before it’s too late. 

If you’re unsure whether to rebuild your relationship or walk away, emergency relationship counseling provides guidance and proven pathways to clear away the doubt. 

Online Emergency Relationship Counseling

Communication breakdown

Abusive behavior like yelling and name-calling, gaslighting, manipulation, or shutting you out can cut deep.

An emergency marriage counseling session helps you and your spouse communicate effectively, especially if you have frequent misunderstandings and conflicts.

You’ll learn communication techniques to feel heard and understood.

Online Emergency Relationship Counseling

Severe conflict

If you and your partner are stuck in a cycle of fighting that is causing distress, impacting your daily life, or leading to threats of divorce, it’s a good idea to seek emergency help. We’ll help you address the root of the conflict and communicate your feelings and needs effectively.

One major sign that it may be time to seek emergency relationship counseling is if you’re considering ending the relationship.

In the emergency couples counseling session, we’ll guide you as you consider the future of the relationship and what you want.

Emergency Couples Counseling Session

Crises or trauma

Traumatic life events like serious illness, the death of a loved one, losing a home, or a financial loss can significantly strain relationships and amplify challenges.

You’ll benefit from an emergency relationship counseling session if you or your partner are struggling through crises.

We’ll help you process difficult emotions and minimize strain on your relationship during this stressful time.

What will you gain from an emergency marriage counseling session?

Emergency Couples Counseling Session Online

Immediate guidance

In emergency relationship counseling, you receive immediate professional support during critical moments that can make or break your relationship.

It can be challenging to see past the haze of overwhelming emotions and confusion about what to do when stuck in a crisis.

We’ll help you understand your emotions, manage stress, and make a plan to improve your relationship.

Emergency Marriage Counseling Session Online

Understanding underlying issues

Another significant benefit of an emergency relationship counseling session is gaining insight into the root of your relationship problems.

We’ll assist you in identifying harmful patterns in your relationship that contribute to long-standing issues and guide you in developing healthier patterns moving forward.

Emergency Relationship Counseling Session Online

Conflict resolution

An emergency marriage counseling session helps you develop healthy conflict-resolution techniques.

We’ll also help you develop strategies for discussing sensitive topics and listening to each other’s perspectives without becoming defensive or shutting down.

We’ll give you tools to express yourselves more clearly and work through disagreements with respect, empathy, and understanding.

What our clients are saying…

“best investment for a relationship!”

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“helped us save our relationship”

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“reminded us why we fell in love”

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“helped us when our marriage was in crisis”

Relationship Coaching Testimonial

Frequently Asked Questions About Emergency Marriage Counseling

What is an emergency relationship counseling session?

An emergency relationship counseling session is a way to schedule help with an expert fast. 

Urgent relationship issues such as infidelity, communication breakdowns, or threats of breaking up are the top reasons to get immediate help. 

What types of couples get emergency couples counseling?

Couples with patterns of fight, flight, flee, or severe avoidance tend to seek out emergency relationship counseling. 

Relationships stuck with these long-standing issues come in all shapes and sizes. 

If you know you have toxic, unhealthy, and long-standing issues and are at your breaking point, then it’s likely you’ll want an emergency marriage counseling session. 

Why choose an emergency session versus a consult or coaching program?

An emergency marriage counseling session helps you get support fast without committing to long waits or unneeded sessions. 

We offer couples consults to help you decide which coaching program is right for you. 

But with an emergency couples counseling session, you skip the extra steps and just focus on getting support now. 

Also, we understand you may want to talk to us before committing to our services and working on your relationship long-term.

An emergency session is the best way to get support fast without the commitment of a program. 

Who will my emergency marriage counseling session be with?

Your emergency session will be with one of two trained counselors: Luis Congdon or Kamala Chambers.

Luis and Kamala are a husband-and-wife team and the relationship researchers, authors, and marriage coaches at Lasting Love Connection.

Once you invest in the emergency marriage counseling session, you will be able to choose who you would like to work with, in case you have a gender or schedule preference.

What if my partner doesn't show up for the session?

If your partner is resistant to therapy, that’s normal.

Instead of negotiating about getting help, invest in the emergency couples counseling session and figure out the scheduling afterward. 

Booking an emergency couples counseling session shows your partner you care, and that you know the issues are serious.

When you are proactive, it shows your commitment. This can help your significant other be more inclined to show up and attend the session. 

If your partner refuses to attend the couples therapy session, you can attend the session on your own.

Even if you come alone, it can help your partner see how seriously you’re taking the challenges. In many cases, after a partner does a session alone, it helps the resistant partner commit to coming to later sessions. 

Investing in the emergency session will make your partner believe you are willing to work on things. 

What if my partner has been asking to do marriage counseling?

If your partner has previously suggested couples counseling, and you’ve refused or dragged your feet, it’s an even better reason to schedule an emergency relationship counseling session. 

There’s a chance you may come alone, but often, when one person commits to the emergency session, the other partner will, too. 

What if my spouse and I are talking about divorce?

If you and your partner are thinking about separating or getting a divorce, we’ll provide new insight and perspective before you make this life-altering decision.

Often, couples who attend an emergency session resolve the urgent issues and stop threatening divorce. 

In your emergency couples counseling session, we’ll create a plan for either repairing your marriage or beginning the conscious uncoupling process.

What happens after an emergency session?

In most cases, couples find they feel better. 

Following your emergency couples session, you’ll have more tools and insights that help soften and loosen the issues.

After the session, you’ll receive assignments to help you continue your progress and a couple’s toolbox of the most recommended resources for couples in crisis.  

“best relationship therapist”

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“worth every penny”

Premarital Coaching Testimonial

Get online marriage counseling and save your relationship

At Lasting Love Connection, we have helped countless couples on the brink of divorce save their marriages and move toward the loving and connected partnerships they desire. No matter how hopeless your situation may seem, it is possible to mend your relationship and move into a happy future together.

One 70-90 Minute Online Emergency Couples Coaching Session

Worth $500

In this video call session, we’ll comprehensively assess your relationships so you both feel heard and understood. Through this in-depth session, we’ll create a roadmap out of the lies, anger, mistrust, or shutdown that has taken over your love life.

We’ll dive into proven exercises to help you start speaking about challenges with ease.

Unlike traditional therapists, we don’t put a time limit on counseling sessions. Instead, we focus on giving you the time you need.

Occasionally, these emergency marriage counseling sessions are two hours long. What matters most is creating a safe space to discuss sensitive topics and helping you feel closer.

70-90 Minutes

Emergency Couples Coaching Session


Communication Training

Bonus Communication Training

Bonus: Communication Training

Worth $500

You’ll get take-home assignments that will support you in helping the communication flow. This self-guided program will give you profound tools and communication exercises you can apply daily to make your romance vibrant and loving again.

What you’ll get with the online emergency session

70-90 Minute Online Emergency Couples Coaching Session

Bonus: Communication Training

Total Value: $1000

Your Price Today: $450

What happens when you invest in an emergency session today?

Online Marriage Counseling


Schedule a session with Luis or Kamala as soon as you check out.

Best Online Couples Counseling


Invite your partner to the session.

Best Online Couples Counseling


Get fast support for your relationship via video call.

70-90 Minute Online Emergency Couples Coaching Session


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