Intimacy Coaching Program
Create An Intimate Marriage & Loving Relationship With Intimacy Coaching
Break Communication Barriers That Stop You From Opening Up To One Another
Are you frustrated and feel like you’ve done everything, but you still don’t have the relationship, sex life, or intimate marriage you want?
You’re not as intimate as you’d like, and there is a disconnect.
When so much distance builds between you, you question if it’s possible to have the emotional and physical relationship you desire.
Do you ask yourself these questions about how to move forward?
With so much distance between us, how do we even reconnect?
Why do we fight every time we start to get close?
How do I get my partner to pay attention to me in the ways I want?
My life is so busy. How do I make time to connect?
How do I speak up and ask for what I want?
Is my partner even attracted to me anymore?
Sometimes (no matter what you do), it just feels like busyness and arguments sabotage your emotional intimacy and friendship.
You want to have a present partner. To feel loved and adored and have fun in your relationship again. Like you have a teammate. Yes?
That’s why couples join the Intimacy Coaching Program.
The Online Couples Intimacy Coaching Program
It’s time to get on the same page about what you want and have an intimate marriage, relationship, and sex life you both love.
The Online Couples Intimacy Coaching Program shows you how to end the patterns that lead to a sexless marriage or one where intimacy is lackluster.
Through the Intimacy Coaching Program, you will learn how to create feelings of support, presence, and shared feelings of emotional and physical togetherness.
Reignite the intimacy and passion with a proven process and a coach who knows how to break you out of the rut.
Rebuild trust after it’s been broken so you feel emotionally safe with each other.
Feel more confident, so it’s easier to get your needs met and meet your partner’s needs.
Stop avoiding sex and intimacy because of the issues it brings up.
Feel aligned even when it seems like you’re speaking different languages.
Get past the idea that you feel like you’ve done everything, but your relationship, sex life, and intimacy are still not where you want them to be.
Finally, put an end to feeling like you’re just roommates or co-workers.
“Best investment for a relationship!”
“improve our intimacy”
“best relationship therapist”
“deepen our love and connection.”
A Taste Of What You Get With The Intimacy Coaching Program
Break the communication barriers that stop you from opening up to one another.
Get on the same page about what you want.
Have a sex life you both love.
Learn simple step-by-step processes to be more present with each other.
Feel more passion and pleasure in your relationship.
End the long, draining talks that intimacy issues evoke and get to the heart of what you both want.
Stop avoiding intimacy by finally resolving the issues it brings up.
Feel more confident, so it’s easier to get your needs met and meet your partner’s needs.
Get the shortcut you need to feel seen and heard by your partner faster than ever.
Have more emotional intimacy so your partner pays attention to you in the ways you want.
Learn how to be present partners for one another.
Discover how to feel supported by your partner and like your relationship makes you better.
Stop worrying about how to talk about what you’ve been holding back and get the tools to speak freely.
Learn the rituals to have fun in your relationship again and feel like you have a teammate faster and easier than you ever dreamed possible
Intimacy in marriage is not just about sex.
True intimacy is about how you connect on every level with your partner.
An intimate relationship is rooted in emotional safety, presence, and acceptance.
In a strong partnership, you feel safe to express yourself. You feel lovingly supported by your partner with radical acceptance.
In research terms, we call this attunement. That feeling of being known, accepted, and like all of you can be seen, felt, and shared.
This is what we want for your relationship.
From this place, emotional intimacy happens effortlessly, which is required for a satisfying sex life.
Feel like your relationship makes you a better person.
In an intimate marriage and relationship, you make each other better.
Through true intimacy, you enhance each other’s gifts so you’re living the best possible life.
Typically, in relationships, you focus too much on each other’s weaknesses instead of seeing your gifts.
People often reach out for an intimacy coaching session because their differences drive them apart.
Part of our work together is helping you find the superpower in each other’s differences and use those gifts to have a better relationship and a happier and more fulfilling life.
Frequently Asked Questions About Intimacy Coaching
How important is intimacy in marriage?
Intimacy is one of the most essential factors for a happy marriage and relationship.
Without physical or emotional intimacy, partners become disconnected.
It can be deeply painful if one partner tries to initiate more closeness and is repeatedly rejected or shut down.
With effort and the right support, couples can improve intimacy and cultivate the emotional and physical closeness they crave.
What is intimacy in marriage?
Intimacy keeps you and your spouse feeling close and connected. When many people think of intimacy, they think about sex.
However, intimacy is not limited to a sexual encounter. There are many different dimensions of being connected.
When partners connect on all levels, they grow closer and strengthen their marriage and relationship.
Several types of intimacy include:
Emotional intimacy
Being emotionally intimate involves sharing your innermost feelings with your spouse. To have emotional intimacy, you and your partner must feel relaxed and safe enough to talk about anything without judgment and be vulnerable. Emotional intimacy is an essential aspect of a healthy marriage.
Physical intimacy & physical affection
Physical intimacy includes showing physical affection to spark feelings of closeness. For example, physical affection can be kissing, cuddling in bed, or holding hands. Research reveals that non-sexual touch releases chemicals that relieve stress, promote bonding, and help us feel more connected.
Sexual intimacy
Sexual intimacy includes but is not limited to sensual and sexual activities. Additionally, being sexually intimate encompasses conversations about sexual desires, needs, and fantasies.
Spiritual intimacy
Spiritual intimacy involves sharing beliefs and values, participating in spiritual or religious practices, or even spending time together in nature.
Intellectual intimacy
Intellectual intimacy is sharing your ideas, thoughts, and opinions with your spouse (for example, talking about a book you both read or discussing a political issue). Also, intellectual intimacy requires confidence that your partner will fully accept and embrace you, even when they have a different perspective.
What causes lack of intimacy in a marriage?
The most common reason for a lack of intimacy in marriages is complacency.
Many couples find that the longer they’ve been married, the more difficult it is to maintain passion and sexual intimacy.
It is easy for married couples to settle into a comfortable routine and lose the passion and excitement they once had.
Additionally, the demands of work, family, and other stressors quickly shift focus away from being present with your partner.
In many relationships, intimacy plummets after having children.
Drs. John and Julie Gottman researched the effect of parenting on relationship satisfaction and intimacy.
Their study found that nearly 2/3 of couples have decreased relationship satisfaction three years after having children.
As many couples shift focus to parenting and adjusting to the new family dynamic, it’s common for connecting intimately to fall to the back burner.
In addition, parenting may lead to physical or mental health challenges for one or both partners.
Women commonly experience hormonal changes that can cause mood shifts and low sex drive.
Additionally, other factors contribute to a lack of intimacy, such as built-up hurt, lack of healthy communication, and frequent conflict or tension within the marriage.
What's an intimacy coach?
An intimacy coach provides professional guidance, support, and education to individuals and couples seeking to enhance their intimacy. A relationship coach or intimacy coach aims to help you understand your desires, boundaries, and needs within your intimate relationships.
As intimacy coaches, we work to address various aspects of intimacy, including communication, emotional connection, sexual exploration, and relationship dynamics.
In intimacy coaching sessions, we use a variety of disciplines, including human psychology, sexology, counseling, and coaching, to provide personalized guidance tailored to our client’s specific needs.
We create a safe and non-judgmental space, so you feel comfortable exploring your attachment wounds, communication skills, self-awareness, and intimacy patterns.
An intimacy coach can help you
– Communication skills: Teaching effective techniques to express desires, boundaries, and concerns in a respectful and open manner.
– Emotional intimacy and connection: Helping you establish deeper emotional bonds and a stronger sense of connection.
– Overcoming challenges: Addressing issues such as mismatched desires, performance anxiety, and past traumas that may affect intimacy.
– Relationship dynamics: Navigating power dynamics, conflict resolution, and building trust in your relationship.
– Self-discovery: Understanding your own needs, desires, and personal growth in the context of intimacy.
As intimacy coaches and relationship coaches, we are not licensed therapists or medical professionals, although we have experience in counseling, psychology, or related fields.
What's the difference between a sex coach and an intimacy coach?
Sex coaches concentrate mainly on sexual techniques, pleasure, and sexual health. On the other hand, intimacy coaches adopt a more comprehensive approach by addressing emotional connection, communication, and relationship dynamics.
Sex Coaching
A sex coach primarily focuses on providing education and guidance on pleasure, satisfaction, and different aspects of their sexuality.
Sex coaches may offer techniques to enhance sexual performance and address concerns such as erectile dysfunction or low libido.
Sex coaching provides information about anatomy, sexual health, and communication skills related to sexual matters. They may also offer guidance on sexual exploration and experimentation.
Intimacy Coaching
As relationship and intimacy coaches, our focus is on the emotional and relational aspects of your partnership. We aim to enhance overall well-being by exploring the emotional, physical, and sexual aspects of your relationship.
We emphasize building effective communication, trust, and emotional connection to help you deepen your understanding of each other’s needs, desires, and boundaries.
In intimacy coaching sessions, we take a holistic approach to coaching, not just addressing sexual aspects but also emotional and psychological components that contribute to a healthy and fulfilling relationship.
We help clients work through conflicts, enhance their ability to bond and enrich their emotional intimacy.
How can you fix intimacy issues?
Relationships without intimacy are incredibly challenging.
However, you can find ways to develop the feelings of closeness you desire.
To increase intimacy with your partner:
Spend time together regularly.
Schedule date nights on a regular basis. Before you go to bed at night, check in with your partner. When you spend time with your partner without distractions, you’ll fuel passion, sexual attraction, and connection.
Cultivate curiosity.
Relationships become stale when we assume we know everything about our spouse. To maintain closeness, get curious about your partner. Keep asking questions and learning about them. Make time for meaningful conversations. Explore new experiences and aspects of your relationship together.
Seek support.
If you’re struggling with challenges around sexual intimacy (like sexual dysfunctions), seek the support of a sex therapist.
For further guidance as you strengthen emotional and sexual intimacy in your marriage, join the Intimacy Program.
The Intimacy Program will teach you to be more present with each other, talk about anything, and reignite the passion and connection you’ve been craving.
What You’ll Get In The 6 Week Online Couples Intimacy Coaching Program
(1) 70-90 Minutes
Relationship Assessment Session
One 70-90 Minute Intimacy Coaching & Relationship Assessment Session
Worth $500
In this 70-90 Minute Assessment & Online Intimacy Coaching Session, we’ll assess the major roadblocks in your relationship. We’ll create a path forward to start reconnecting and a shared intimacy language so you can both get your needs and desires met. We’ll meet face to face via video so you can do the sessions in the comfort of your own home.
Five Additional 50-70 Minute Online Intimacy Coaching Sessions
Worth $2,225
These five 50-70 Minute Online Intimacy Coaching Sessions help you open up in ways you never have. In each intimacy coaching session, you’ll be guided toward a deeply fulfilling and meaningful relationship. Get tools that last a lifetime for understanding, emotional connection, and passion. Each week, via dynamic video coaching sessions, we’ll dive into proven intimacy exercises to lead you and your partner toward a state of unity. The continual support will ensure, you’ll have results that will last a lifetime.
(5) 50-70 Minutes Online
Ongoing Intimacy Coaching Sessions
Intimacy Exercises
Bonus: Intimacy Exercises & Assignments
You’ll be given take-home assignments to feel confident in your partnership and prioritize your happiness together. Implement the tools and methods in your day-to-day life so you’re not just talking about problems but putting what you learn into practice. You’ll create true transformation in your relationship no matter how busy you are. Since we can’t be with you 24 hours a day, we’ll give you simple yet profound tools you can apply even when we’re not in session together. Plus, you’ll have 24/7 access to all your assignments in a private coaching portal – So you never have to wait to take the next step forward.
Bonus: Text & Email Coaching
Worth $497
To ensure that you feel fully supported on your journey, you’ll have your intimacy coach 24/7 to be an ally for your relationship. You can reach out anytime, day or night, and let us know the challenges, breakthroughs, and questions you’re having. Our secure email provides a safe environment to vent or air out your thoughts and feelings. You’ll receive a helpful and compassionate response to ensure you feel heard and guided. This way, you’ll have support when you need it most. If issues arise between sessions, share what’s happening so you’re always progressing in your relationship.
24/7 Support
Claim Your Access To The Intimacy Coaching Program
One 70-90 Minute Online Intimacy Coaching Session & In-Depth Relationship Assessment
Five 50-70 Minute Online Couples Intimacy Coaching Sessions
Bonus: Intimacy Exercises & Assignments
Bonus: Text And Email Coaching
Total Value: $3,722
Payment Plan
$425 Today (Then 5 Payments)
Pay In Full
$2497 (Best Deal)
Money-Back Guarantee
We believe in this work so much we’re willing to let you try it for free.
If you decide you want to take action right now without booking a free consult, we want you to feel confident about your decision… If online intimacy coaching with us doesn’t work for you, you can request a full refund (minus processing fees) during the first session.
That means all the risk is on us. You have nothing to lose and only love to gain. So go ahead, enroll, and schedule your first session.
Discover The Method To Break The Communication Barriers That Stop You From Opening Up To One Another
Register now, and you’ll be on your way to accessing online couples coaching and incredible bonuses within just a few minutes… Use it to feel supported by your partner and like your relationship makes you better in the first session.
If you want to regain the passion and pleasure in your relationship, feel seen and heard by your partner, and share what you’ve been holding back… then the Intimacy Coaching Program is definitely for you.
Face it. Most of us need instruction and encouragement from an intimacy coach who’s studied, done the research, and helps couples cross the bridge from a lack of intimacy to a great connection. Get online couples coaching and feel hope in your relationship again in the first session.
Be present more present with each other.
Have a sex life you both love.
Have passion and pleasure in your relationship.
Feel excitement for your future together.
Get on the same page about what you want.
Feel aligned even when it seems you’re speaking different languages.
Supported by your partner and like your relationship makes you better.
Feel a deep sense of meaning and purpose in your relationship.
Payment Plan
$425 Today (Then 5 Payments)
Pay In Full
$2497 (Best Deal)