Stuck In A Loveless Marriage?

Going Through A Rough Patch That Feels Like It Will Never End?

If You’re Feeling Stuck In A Loveless Marriage

You’re In The Right Place

If your relationship has lost its spark, you might feel stuck in a sexless marriage.

You want to open up, share your feelings and passion, and get back to the fun you once had.

And yet there is too much hurt between you.

Or maybe your connection has faded into a loveless marriage?

When you and your partner aren’t connecting, it’s challenging to see a way to make things better.

Working on your marriage can be a lot easier than it seems. There is a proven pathway back to the love you’re longing for.

Open Up & Return To The Romance You Once Had

You know you can’t keep suffering through relationship problems.

You can’t keep ignoring the warning signs and feeling trapped in a loveless marriage.

With the Reconnection Online Couples Coaching Program, you can have a fantastic marriage again.

Rekindle the connection, open up communication, and restore love.

Loveless Marriage

Break Out Of The Loveless Marriage Cycle And Find Love With Your Spouse Again

Online Marriage Counseling

If you’ve been living in an unhappy marriage that’s lacking something…

Or, if you want more fun, play, and passion in your relationship, the Reconnection Program will guide you there in 16 weeks.

The Reconnection Program is for couples ready to feel more deeply connected.

Stuck In A Loveless Marriage

The Marriage Counseling Reconnection Program Is For You

If You’re Ready To Break Out Of A Loveless Marriage

Feel safe and supported as you explore the reasons why you and your spouse haven’t been connecting.

Break out of the loveless marriage cycle so you can fall in love with your spouse again and save your marriage.

Feel like your spouse is paying attention to you, like they did when you first met, so you can finally feel the appreciation and adoration you’ve been wanting.

Get easy-to-use tools that will ensure you feel adored.

Simplify your relationship so you can have the connection you want.

Learn how your relationship is the key to deeply connecting with yourself.
Learn to set boundaries, so you’re getting what you want.

Get easy to use tools that will ensure you feel loved and adored.

Stuck In A Loveless Marriage
Stuck In A Loveless Marriage

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if the Reconnection Program is right for me?

Through the Reconnection Program, you can rekindle love and passion in your life together again.

Join the Reconnection Program if you resonate with any of these signs of a loveless marriage.

  • You’re always fighting about the same things without reaching a resolution.

  • You and your partner are constantly criticizing each other.

  • Even little things quickly escalate into blow-out arguments, yelling, and name-calling.

  • You or your partner have trouble moving forward from past hurt, and this tension clouds your interactions.

  • You’re walking on eggshells, worried about doing something wrong to set off your partner’s anger.

  • You’ve stopped talking about certain things altogether to avoid an argument.

  • You feel unheard like your feelings and needs don’t matter.

  • You rarely spend time together anymore.

  • Happiness, laughter, fun, and play feel nonexistent in your life together.

  • You sense that your partner has lost interest in you.

  • You feel more like roommates than romantic partners.

  • Even in the same room, you don’t feel connected and present with each other.

  • You manage the household and care for the children, yet something is missing.

  • You’re no longer having sex.

  • You feel neglected and lonely.

  • It feels like you and your partner are living separate lives.

  • Your mental and emotional well-being is suffering due to the ongoing stress of your marriage.

  • You’re considering the idea of divorce.

In loveless marriages, spouses spend all their time fighting or disconnected from each other.

Fun, passion, and intimacy are missing.

If you identify with any of the signs above, you’re likely in an unhappy marriage. You may be at the point of feeling lost, hopeless, and unsure of how to improve things.

Fortunately, there is hope.

The Reconnection Program is for any couple that wants to feel more connected and fulfilled in their marriage.

When you’re satisfied in your relationship, you reap many benefits, such as enhanced happiness and well-being overall.

What happens when couples stay in loveless marriages or unhappy marriages?

It is deeply painful and lonely to stay in a loveless marriage.

You recognize the warning signs that something needs to change yet have no idea what to do.

You’re wondering – is it better to remain married and unfulfilled or make a change that affects your whole family?

Choosing to stay in a loveless marriage can negatively affect your mental health and well-being.

However, divorce is not a decision to take lightly and requires deep soul searching.

Data shows that divorce costs anywhere from $6,000-12,000 per person.

Divorce is financially and emotionally costly. It impacts not just the partners but the entire family and children.

If you’re at the point of considering divorce, it’s time to talk to a relationship therapist or one of our coaches.

A family therapist or relationship coach can help you process the challenges you’re experiencing and give you a roadmap to get you back on track.

We have helped couples in the most strained relationships reconnect and renew a sense of intimacy, passion, and excitement.

If you ultimately decide to end your marriage, it’s important to know that you and your family will likely go through a painful divorce process.

To support your well-being and minimize the negative impact on your lives, we suggest the Reconnection Program.

We're in an unhappy marriage. Can we really repair our relationship?


In an unhappy marriage, it’s common to feel defeated and unsure of how to improve things.

You might wonder if it’s possible to get the love back anymore.

It is.

Going through a rough patch isn’t necessarily a sign that you’re headed for divorce.

No matter how long you’ve been disconnected, you can get back the passion, intimacy, and sex you desire.

You just need to learn new tools to help you get through this tough time and rebuild a more fulfilling life together.

Saving an unhappy marriage requires time and commitment.

Can I fix my marriage on my own?

It is possible to turn things around and restore your marriage.

That said, fixing the marriage can’t fall on one partner.

Both partners must be willing to put in the effort to improve the marriage.

If your partner is open to seeing a relationship therapist, that’s a good sign.

With the guidance of a trained expert, you can save your marriage from the brink of divorce and have the happy marriage you long for.

We have helped many couples in unhappy marriages gain the insights they need to find happiness together, thus increasing their well-being overall.

If your partner is hesitant to do the program, we invite you to book a complimentary consult (it doesn’t cost anything but allows you and your partner to speak with someone).

How does the Reconnection Program work?

If you resonate with the signs of an unhappy marriage, the Reconnection Program is an opportunity to revamp your relationship.

Sessions are tailored specifically to your unique needs as a couple.

During sessions, you’ll have a safe space to discuss relationship issues and work through conflicts so each person feels heard.

Additionally, we’ll guide you through exercises designed to build intimacy and revitalize your marriage.

In between sessions, we will assign homework assignments so you can put what you’re learning into practice.

Throughout the program, you’ll grow closer and feel more connected, positively affecting your well-being and life satisfaction.

What is the success rate of the Reconnection Program?

According to the American Psychological Association, 90% of couples who participate in emotionally focused couples therapy show significant improvements in their relationships.

Research shows that couples who participate in relationship therapy report greater happiness and well-being, healthier patterns of communication, and reduced conflict.

In the Reconnection Program, we use evidence-based techniques to help you develop the skills you need to build a healthy, loving relationship.

If you apply what we teach, your relationship will thrive.

How will my relationship transform through the Reconnection Program?

Couples who complete the Reconnection Program infuse more fun, passion, and intimacy into their relationships.

Your happiness and well-being matter.

You don’t have to stay stuck in an unhappy marriage anymore.

When you sign up for the Reconnection Program, you’ll learn to:

  • Communicate in a way where each person feels heard and understood.

  • Stop criticizing your partner and find more constructive ways to express your needs.

  • Hear each other’s concerns without becoming defensive or shutting down.

  • Use conflict resolution skills to problem solve as a team instead of lashing out in anger.

  • Focus on appreciating the other person instead of fixating on what they are doing wrong.

  • Grow closer by spending time together with a consistent date night.

  • Build intimacy and enhance your sex life.

Your partner is the most important person in your life, and the Reconnection Program will help you get back on track.

Why is the Reconnection Program 16 weeks long?

In loveless marriages, unhealthy patterns become engrained over time.

Therefore, it takes time to break those patterns and develop new habits.

For example, if you try to share with your partner, and they interrupt with a related story from their life, you likely feel unheard.

It takes time for your partner to learn and implement active listening skills that allow you to feel seen and supported.

Transformation doesn’t happen overnight.

When you sign up for the Reconnection Program, we will support you as you learn healthier ways of relating.

Over 16 weeks, you’ll save your relationship from being stuck in a loveless marriage and gain tools to build and sustain a deeply fulfilling relationship.

What You’ll Get In The 16 Week Reconnection Program

(1) 70-90 Minutes

Assessment Marriage Counseling Session

One 70-90 Minute Online Marriage Counseling & Assessment Session

Worth $500

In this initial marriage counseling session, we’ll jump right in and go deep. This is the 30,000-foot view to look at your whole relationship. During this session, we’ll assess the most efficient ways to infuse your relationship with the love, connection, and passion that you desire.

Fifteen 50-70 Minute Online Marriage Counseling Sessions

Worth $6675

Each week, we’ll deepen your connection practices to lead you and your partner toward unity. As a result, the continual support will ensure you’ll have the reconnection skills that will last a lifetime. Via live video calls, you’ll be led through evidence-based exercises to support you in getting the love you want.
(15) 50-70 Minute Online

Marriage Counseling Sessions

Bonus: Reconnection Exercises & Assignments

A Loveless Marriage Reconnection Exercises &Amp; Assignments

Stop Feeling Like You’re Stuck In A Loveless Marriage Reconnection Exercises & Assignments

Worth $500
You’ll be given take-home assignments that will support you in keeping the love and connection flowing. These exercises will be like taking your relationship counselor with you 24/7, into your home and out on date nights, for deeper and more profound changes. As a result, you’ll be rekindling your relationship even when we’re not in sessions via an exclusive member’s area.

Bonus: Text & Email Coaching

Worth $497

To ensure that you feel fully supported on your journey, you can know your marriage coach is here as a 24/7 ally for your relationship. You can email anytime, day or night, and let us know the challenges, breakthroughs, and questions you’re having. Our secure email provides a safe environment to vent or air out your thoughts and feelings. We’ll send you a weekly helpful and compassionate response to ensure you feel heard and guided.


BONUS: Text & Email Coaching

Stuck In A Loveless Marriage
Loveless Marriage

Money-Back Promise

We feel so confident that your relationship will be revamped by the Reconnection Program that we’re offering to give all your money back! You can try our program totally RISK-FREE. If you decide that the Reconnection Program is not right for you in the first session, you’ll receive a refund on the entire program (minus processing fees). No other counselor does this. After seeing thousands of couples, we feel confident we can help you, we’re willing to take the risk so you can proceed with confidence.

16 Week Online Marriage Counseling Reconnection Program

Break The Loveless Marriage Pattern


One 70-90 Minute Online Marriage Counseling Session


Fifteen 50-70 Minute Online Marriage Counseling Sessions


Bonus: Reconnection Exercises & Assignments


Bonus: Text & Email Coaching

Total Value: $8,172

Loveless Marriage

Add The Reconnection Program To The Cart &

We’ll Schedule Your First Session Right Away

Pay In Full Today:

$6497 (Best Deal)

Payment Plan:

$425 Today (Then 15 Payments)

Remember, there is zero risk in taking action and picking up the Reconnection Program.

If you don’t feel like the Reconnection Program is right for you in the first session, we’ll give you a full refund.

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