Relationship Repair Program

I’m Ready To Save My Marriage!


You’re in the right place if your relationship has been damaged by ANY of the following

Emotional or physical infidelity.

Lies and deceit. 

Addiction to drugs, alcohol, or pornography. 

Threats of divorce or ending things.

Unsupportive in-laws or friends.

Gaslighting or emotional abuse.

Unresolved resentment. 

Betrayal or broken trust. 

Jealousy or possessiveness.


Constant anger or blowouts. 

Blame and shifting responsibiility.


Financial abuse or control.

So many times, we see clients confused and frustrated because they’re stuck in the same old patterns in their relationship and don’t know how to break out.

When couples are stuck, don’t know how to talk to each other, and are struggling with a big problem, it’s hard for them to stay together.

Maybe you’ve felt this way too.

Maybe you keep repeating the same old fights with your husband or wife? Or maybe there’s an issue you just can’t seem to figure out?

…So, you just get by.

You Deserve Better. Your Relationship Deserves Better.

It’s hard for couples to find solutions on their own. Most couples who get stuck in destructive patterns ask:

  • So how do you stop the same old cycles and rekindle the love you once had?
  • How do you break out of ruts and enjoy spending time with your spouse again?
  • How do you save your marriage when you feel hopeless?
  • And how do you let go of past hurts, once and for all?
When we repeat patterns, we create a groove just like if we walked the same path through the forest every day. Eventually, that groove becomes a rut, and the longer we stay in that rut, the harder it is to break out.
Save My Marriage

To get out of our relationship ruts and see a new point of view, we have to do something different. Unfortunately, it’s not so easy to get out of the rut. 

After working with thousands of couples and training with the best therapist on the planet, we know couples can revive the love no matter the circumstance.

As relationship experts who teach the work of Drs. Julie and John Gottman, we’ve seen it all.

You Might Be Wondering,
“Is It Possible To Save My Marriage When It Seems Beyond Repair?”

Save My Marriage

The good news is that the answer is yes!

The very fact that you’re asking, “how can I save my marriage?” is a big step.

It’s a scary step, but it’s one that can take you from fear to love.

And just like we’ve done for nearly two decades, we’re here to support you in that journey. You’re not alone.

With the 12 Week Online Marriage Counseling Breaking Patterns Program you will learn how to stop the endless fights, bring the love back, prevent divorce and be given the tools you need to activate the same feelings you had when you first fell in love.

“we would have ended the relationship. Best investment!”

Intimacy Coaching Program Testimonial

“helped us when our marriage was in crisis”

Relationship Coaching Testimonial

“coached us towards hope and an even more amazing relationship”

Break Patterns With Online Marriage Coaching

“absolutley worth the time and money”

Save Your Marriage Coaching Testimonial

“the most transformational, eye-opening, and healing”

Online Marriage Counseling Review

“saved my relationship”

Review For Online Marriage Counseling

The Break Patterns Program Is For You If Any Of These Resonate:

There has been significant damage to your relationship from infidelity, addiction, emotional abuse, unresolved trauma or manipulation.

You’re ready to stop having blowout arguments.

You’re ready to end old patterns so you can recover from the brink of divorce.

You feel like your relationship is stuck in a rut and it feels like you keep having the same old fights.

The same old issues keep coming up; no matter what you do or say, nothing seems to make things right.

The words “divorce” or “separation” have come up during an argument.

You feel confused and hopeless about how to move forward so that you and your spouse like each other again.

Past hurts and negative emotions keep coming up in the relationship, and no matter how much you talk about it, they never seem to resolve.

You’re committed to helping your relationship last.

Your relationship is at the end of its rope, and you’re ready to know the answer to the question you keep asking yourself, “How can I save my marriage?”


How do I know if my spouse and I should join the Break Patterns Program?

The Break Patterns Program is designed to help couples stuck in harmful patterns transform how they relate to each other and build healthier relationships.

Seek expert guidance.

Join the Break Patterns Program if any of the following apply:

  • You don’t know how to save your marriage from divorce — or if it’s even possible at this point.
  • You’re tired of fighting about the same topics and want peace.
  • There’s been significant damage to your relationship from lies, infidelity, manipulation, addiction, gaslighting, emotional abuse, threats of divorce, financial abuse, or years of unresolved issues.
  • You can’t spend time with your partner anymore without something going wrong.
  • You or your partner can’t seem to let go of past hurts or resentments.
  • You are overwhelmed by life stressors (like financial pressures or raising children) that create more conflict and emotional distance.
  • Your mental health is suffering due to the stress of negative interactions with your spouse.
  • You miss the connection you once had with your partner and want to feel like you’re on the same team again.
  • You sense that something needs to change in your failing marriage – but you’re unsure what to do next.

Is it too late to try couples therapy?


Despite how discouraged you feel about your troubled marriage, don’t give up hope.

It is not too late for you and your spouse to seek professional help.

Couples therapy is extremely effective in helping spouses address issues and move toward a healthy relationship.

Unhealthy patterns become ingrained in marriages over time, making it difficult to break the cycle.

However, with support from a trained expert, you can learn new skills and mindsets to change your relationship dynamic and save your marriage.

How does the Break Patterns Program work?

The Break Patterns Program is offered virtually through video online therapy sessions.

Research has found that online therapy is as effective as in-person therapy for addressing various mental health concerns, including relationship problems.

Online sessions are convenient for people with busy schedules or with partners who frequently travel.

Additionally, online therapy eliminates many stressors associated with traditional therapy, such as the time required to commute and the cost of childcare.

In the 12-week Break Patterns Program, you can participate in video sessions from anywhere, making sessions fit seamlessly into your life.

During the first session, we will discuss your relationship challenges and identify the patterns that keep you stuck.

Then, we will begin practicing exercises to teach you healthier ways of communicating with your partner and cultivating more patience, understanding, and empathy.

Can my marriage survive after infidelity or betrayal?

Yes. We work with many couples experiencing turmoil in their marriages due to infidelity or betrayal.

Infidelity is a deeply painful experience that can leave you and your spouse stuck, unsure of how to move forward.

The betrayed partner may be holding onto lingering hurt and anger, which clouds every interaction.

As a result, you and your partner find yourselves trapped in a cycle of conflict and distance.

While it takes time and consistent effort, saving your marriage after infidelity is possible.

That is — if you and your partner decide that your marriage is worth saving and you’re willing to put in the work to rebuild a happy life together.

In the Break Patterns Program, we provide a safe space to discuss what happened, communicate your emotions and needs, and take steps to rebuild trust.

That said, affair recovery can be emotionally tolling. In the healing process, both partners must prioritize self-care.

Self-care looks different for each person and can range from going on a walk to getting enough sleep and spending time with trusted friends.

What if my spouse refuses to get support?

It is frustrating when you and your spouse are not on the same page.

You’re open to trying anything to save your marriage- and your spouse is hesitant about talking to someone.

First, validate your partner’s feelings. It’s normal to be hesitant about starting therapy, especially if they haven’t done it before and aren’t sure what to expect.

Allow your partner to express their concerns without judgment.

Then, share why you and your spouse could benefit from the Break Patterns Program.

To support your partner, they can get all their questions answered in a complimentary couples consult.

Emphasize that you want to make the relationship work, and having a neutral third person facilitate will allow you to work through your issues more constructively.

Additionally, a relationship expert will provide new perspectives and insights to help you turn things around.

Ultimately, you can’t force your spouse to agree to therapy- and if they are not committed to the process, it is less likely to be effective.

Both partners must believe the marriage is worth saving and be willing to improve things.

It can’t be only you making changes to shift the relationship.

Since two people contribute to the relationship dynamic, the work can’t fall on one person.

Both partners must be willing to put in the time, effort, and hard work to break out of old patterns and build a happy marriage.

What will I learn in the Break Patterns Program?

When you sign up for the Break Patterns Program, we will teach you the skills to save your marriage.

Learn research-backed methods proven to repair even a troubled marriage


  • Get unstuck from recurring fights that never get resolved.


  • Talk about marriage problems without blowing up.


  • Develop better communication patterns.


  • Tune into your spouse’s feelings with more empathy and understanding.


  • Reignite romance, passion, and desire again.


The skills you learn in the Break Patterns Program benefit you for your entire life.

Not only will you be able to work through issues in the present, but you’ll also be better equipped to navigate relationship problems in the future.

Further, the communication strategies you’ll learn will expand to your other relationships, so you’ll know how to manage conflict with your friends, children, or another loved one.

In addition to tackling marital problems, we will also guide you in enhancing intimacy with your partner, which has likely dried up due to recurring conflicts and emotional turmoil.

When many people think of intimacy, they think about sex.

While sex is one aspect, other forms of intimacy are vital to a successful marriage.

Deepen your connection and have a healthy relationship


  • Carve out quality time together through regular date nights.


  • Show more appreciation for the ways your spouse enhances your life.


  • Express gratitude for what’s going right instead of fixating on what’s going wrong.


  • Increase physical affection.


  • Communicate your emotions and needs more clearly.


Will the Break Patterns Program really make a difference in my marriage?


Even if you are a married couple that feels like things are broken beyond repair, there is still hope.

At Lasting Love Connection, we have work with married couples on the brink of divorce, helping them to transform their relationships.

With the right support, even the most hopeless marriages can be revived.

In the Break Patterns Program, we’ll guide you through research-backed exercises for saving your marriage and developing healthier ways of relating to your partner.

Also, we give take-home assignments between sessions so you can put what you learned into practice.

According to research, most couples see significant positive changes in their marriages after starting couples therapy sessions.

When spouses are committed to making the marriage work, they can learn to transform unhealthy patterns and prevent divorce.

What You’ll Get In The 12 Week Break Patterns Program

(1) 70-90 Minutes

Online Marriage Counseling Sessions

One 70-90 Minute Online Marriage Counseling & Assessment Session

Worth $500

In this initial session, we’ll lay out all the patterns on the table, and get crystal clear on the best way to move forward. Together, we’ll look at old patterns from a compassionate place and clarify the underlying needs. And we’ll meet face to face on video so you can do the sessions in the comfort of your own home.

Eleven Additional 50-70 Minute Online Marriage Counseling Sessions

Worth $4,895

We’ll dive into proven exercises so you can experience the freedom of breaking out of patterns. Each week we’ll deepen your practices of breaking patterns to lead you and your partner toward a state of unity. The continual support will ensure by the end of the sessions you’ll have results that will last a lifetime.

(11) 50-70 Minutes Online

Marriage Counseling Sessions

Save My Marriage Assignments

Bonus Save My Marriage Assignments

Bonus: Save My Marriage Assignments

Worth $500

You’ll be given take-home assignments that help the communication flow. Since we can’t be with you 24 hours a day, we’ll give you simple yet profound tools you can apply even when we’re not in session together. Plus, you’ll have 24/7 access to all your assignments in a private coaching portal – So you never have to wait to take the next step forward. 

Bonus: Weekly Text & Email Coaching

Worth $497

To ensure that you feel fully supported on your journey, you’ll have your marriage counselor 24/7 to be an ally for your relationship. You can reach out anytime, day or night, and let us know the challenges, breakthroughs, and questions you’re having. Our secure email provides a safe environment to vent or air out your thoughts and feelings. After that, you’ll receive a helpful and compassionate response to ensure you feel heard and guided.


Weekly Email Coaching

The 12 Week Online Marriage Counseling Break Patterns Program

One 70-90 Minute Online Marriage Counseling Session & Assessment

Eleven 50-70 Minute Online Marriage Counseling Sessions

Bonus: Save My Marriage Assignments

Bonus: Text And Email Coaching

Bonus: Money Back Guarantee

Total Value: $6,392

Payment Plan

$425 Today (Then 11 Payments)

Pay In Full

$4950 (Best Deal)

Money-Back Guarantee

Couples Coaching Money Back Guarantee

It can seem scary to make a leap to work with a marriage counselor online that you’ve never met. But we want you to know there is no risk to take this leap to save your marriage. 

We’re so confident that your relationship will be revamped by the Break Patterns Program that we’re offering to give your money back! You can try the Break Patterns Program totally RISK-FREE.

If you decide that the Break Patterns Program is not right for you during the first session, you’ll receive a 100% refund (minus processing fees) on the entire program.

Add The Break Patterns Package To The Cart And We’ll Schedule Your First Session Right Away

Remember, there is no risk in taking action and picking up these sessions today. We know this is a small price to save your marriage. If you don’t feel like these sessions are right for you in the first session, we will give you a full refund.

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