Struggling in your relationship and don’t know where to turn?

Get The Best Online Couples Counseling & Resources For Lasting Love

Save Your Marriage Workbook

Thousands Of Couples Have Received Relationship Coaching, Used Our Method,

And Now Have Tools For A Lifetime Of Happiness

Online Couples Counseling

You love your partner, but you’re not sure how much longer you can handle the fighting and stress.

Online Couples Counseling

Maintaining a healthy relationship is hard when you feel like you’re constantly at war.

Online Couples Counseling

The arguing and tension can take their toll on both of you, leading to resentment, frustration, and even depression.

Online marriage counseling and premarital counseling can help. With a safe space for you and your partner to share your thoughts and feelings openly, we can help foster communication and understanding.

We help couples turn their relationships around, and we can do the same for you.

Online Marriage Counseling And Premarital Counseling Is For You If You’re…

Tired of fighting and arguing.

Fed up with feeling insecure in your relationship.

Sick of not knowing how to get along with your partner.

Ready for more intimacy and love in your relationship.

Rated Best Online Couples Counseling & Resources For Saving Your Marriage

At Lasting Love Connection, we guide couples on the brink of divorce or stuck in repetitive problems to a thriving relationship.

My mission is to help couples through couples counseling online and guide them to open communication and a fulfilling partnership.

The best online marriage counseling and premarital counseling online can be the key to transforming your relationship concerns and establishing a connection with your spouse that feels safe and authentic.

We work with all couples.

At Lasting Love Connection, we work with a wide range of couples, such as same-gender couples, LGBTQIA+, couples with different cultural differences, and people of all religious or spiritual beliefs.

No matter your background, we work to address relationship issues at the root so you’re set up for a lifetime of love.

With relationship coaching, we offer dynamic live video sessions tailored to you and your spouse to help you overcome issues. We dedicate time to addressing and resolving your relationship issues through face-to-face video chat.

Best Online Couples Counseling
Best Online Couples Counseling
Best Online Couples Counseling

Reclaiming The Love, Passion, And Fun In Your Marriage Can Be As Easy As 1, 2, 3…

Online Marriage Counseling

Book A Free Couple’s Consultation

Couple’s free consultations are a confidential and risk-free opportunity for you and your spouse to see if online relationship counseling is right for you.

Best Online Couples Counseling

Set Aside 30 Minutes For Your Relationship

Making time for your relationship is the first step. Just 30 minutes can kickstart your path to the relationship you want.

Best Online Couples Counseling

Get A Roadmap To Your Marriage Success

During your free consultation, we’ll meet for 30 minutes to determine the primary issues in your relationship and the necessary steps to restore your marriage.

Why Online Couples Counseling Is Effective

Is couples therapy effective online?

Research indicates that couples therapy is just as effective via live video sessions.

For example, according to the University of Rochester, couples who participated in online marriage counseling showed significant improvements in relationship satisfaction, communication, and intimacy.

Another study found that couples receiving online marriage counseling or premarital counseling reported decreased depression, anxiety, and mental health issues.

So if you’re looking for a way to improve your marriage, go for the best online couples therapy.

Create a safe space to address issues in a healthy way.

💕 Have a safe and anonymous way to address issues in your relationship.

💕 Talk on neutral ground where you and your spouse feel comfortable speaking your mind.

💕 Have support no matter where you are – Online couples counseling is easily accessible from anywhere via live video sessions.

💕 You and your spouse can communicate without fear of retribution.

Receive virtual marriage counseling and premarital counseling from the comfort of your own home.

💕 Conveniently discuss your marriage from the comfort of home.

💕 Get the convenience of online marriage counseling and online premarital counseling without sacrificing the quality of treatment.

💕 Save time and money spent commuting to an office.

💕 Talk with a therapist any time you need via video chat, email, or texting.

Schedule online relationship counseling at your convenience.

💕 Online relationship counseling services are more convenient than traditional in-person marriage counseling and premarital counseling.

💕 You can easily schedule online marriage counseling sessions and even find evening and weekend appointments – No need to rearrange your busy schedule!

💕 Get expert advice and support – The best online marriage counseling and premarital counseling can even help save the most toxic relationships.

Openly discuss and resolve issues at home - Where they start.

💕 Address issues where they happen.

💕 Have a safe and convenient way to communicate with your partner.

💕 Resolve issues and strengthen your relationship.

💕 Get help and talk to a relationship expert without leaving your living room – like you would for in-person sessions.

Program lengths are tailored to you and your spouse.

💕 Feel more connected to your spouse and get the help you need right away.

💕 Work at your own pace to resolve new issues and old patterns.

💕 In an online counseling free consultation, we’ll find the program length that fits your needs based on the results you’re looking for.

💕 Help is just a click away – Schedule a free consultation.

Learn more about your couple’s free consultation.

💕 Unless you’re seeking individual counseling, you and your spouse must attend the call.

💕 The online counseling free consultation will be virtual, over the phone.

💕 The free consultation should be valued as a paid professional relationship counseling session.

💕 Both you and your partner must be determined and willing to do the necessary work to mend your relationship.

💕 A couple’s consultation requires 30 minutes of uninterrupted time with your partner.

Best Online Couples Counseling

How does online couples’ counseling work?

In online couples counseling, you and your partner will meet with a counselor via video chat. You’ll discuss the issues you’re facing in your relationship and work together to find solutions.

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If you and your partner are struggling in your relationship, you may consider online relationship counseling.

But how does online couples counseling work?

Online counseling is more convenient than in person sessions. And offers an effective way to work on your relationship via weekly or monthly appointments.

Online relationship counseling can be especially helpful if you have a busy schedule or live in a rural area. And it can be more affordable than traditional face-to-face counseling services.

Best Online Couples Counseling

How does online video chat work for couples counseling?

Couples counseling video chat sessions allow you and your partner to receive relationship coaching in real time. Video chat is a great and secure way for couples to connect and communicate.

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You can use video chat to discuss anything you need to about your relationship, from significant issues to minor everyday concerns.

Online couples counseling can help you work through any issues you may have in your relationship and can provide guidance and support when you need it most.

If you’re interested in trying online couples counseling, video chat is a great way to get started. It’s easy to use and can be a great way to stay connected with your partner, no matter where you are.

Best Online Couples Counseling

What online therapy platforms will we use?

Sessions are done through video chat online platforms, such as Skype or Zoom, allowing video and audio communication.

Sessions are typically conducted with both partners sharing a computer screen or phone screen, which allows relationship counselors to see and interact with both partners simultaneously.


Best Online Couples Counseling

How much is online couples counseling?

The online couples counseling cost depends on the results you’re looking for. Getting lasting results for your relationship takes more than one session. You can expect to pay at least $2600 to get started.

We offer a couple’s free consultation, so you can discuss your relationship goals and budget before you commit to anything. If you’re considering online counseling, book a free consultation and see which online services are best for your relationship.


What is online couples counseling?

Online couples counseling is a form of therapy that involves working with a relationship expert to address challenges in your partnership. Through video chats, you connect with a relationship therapist from the comfort of your own home.

Why do people seek couples counseling?

There are many reasons to seek couples counseling, such as:

  • Persistent fights or arguments

  • Communication issues

  • Emotional disconnection

  • Infidelity

  • Intimacy issues

  • Addictions

  • Mental health concerns

  • Navigating a stressful life circumstance or transition (like coping with grief/loss or chronic illness)

However, it’s important to note that marriage therapy is not only for couples experiencing turmoil. Marriage therapy helps couples learn effective communication skills and conflict-resolution strategies to build a strong foundation for a loving, healthy relationship.

What issues can online couples therapy address?

Online couples therapy is beneficial for addressing a wide range of common relationship issues, such as communication problems, trust issues, lack of intimacy, sexual problems, and parenting disagreements.

Online couples therapy provides a safe space to navigate challenges and work through sensitive topics.

When should you consider couples therapy?

You and your partner might consider couples therapy if you’re:

  • Constantly arguing

  • Stuck in negative patterns of communication

  • Struggling to move forward from past hurts

  • Feeling disconnected and unsure how to bridge the gap

  • Having challenges around sex or lack of intimacy (and don’t know how to talk about it).

  • Navigating difficult life stressors or transitions

However, you and your partner don’t have to wait until you’ve exhausted all other options to seek support.

Relationship expert Dr. John Gottman found that couples typically wait about six years before seeking couples therapy. However, the longer you wait, the more unhealthy patterns become entrenched in the relationship dynamic.

As soon as you notice signs of trouble, working with a marriage counselor can help you to get back on the right track.

Even if your relationship is not currently in trouble, relationship counseling helps you to gain valuable skills so you’ll have the tools to handle challenges as they come up.

Is couples therapy only for married couples?

Engaged couples and any couple serious about having a great relationship can also benefit from online couples therapy services. At Lasting Love Connection, we offer online premarital counseling to help engaged couples lay the groundwork for successful, healthy relationships.

Through premarital counseling, you’ll learn skills to help you build and sustain a loving marriage.

What types of relationship therapy are there?

There are numerous different approaches to relationship therapy, including:

  • Emotionally focused couples therapy

  • Imago relationship therapy

  • Gottman method

At Lasting Love Connection, our relationship coaches are trained in the Gottman method, imago relationship therapy, emotionally focused therapy, and more. We use various evidence-based techniques to help couples express their emotions, resolve conflicts, and build healthier patterns within their relationships.

What is the difference between couples counseling and couples coaching?

Couples therapy is often provided by marriage and family therapists or professional counselors. Couples therapy focuses on helping couples identify emotions, behaviors, and relationship patterns causing problems.

At Lasting Love Connection, we offer relationship coaching. Couples coaching focuses more on identifying goals for the relationship and moving toward those goals.

A relationship coach will help you to identify areas you want to work on (such as improving communication or increasing intimacy). With the support of a dedicated expert, you will build the kind of loving relationship you want.

Is couples therapy covered by health insurance?

We do not accept insurance and typically don’t offer financial assistance or a sliding scale.

Seeking a marriage and family therapist who will accept health insurance?

Call your health insurance provider to find out if there are professional counselors who accept insurance for couples therapy.

Book A Free Consult →

How do I find a couples counselor?

Select a marriage counselor who has expertise in couples therapy techniques. Other factors to consider are therapist availability and finding a marriage counselor that you and your partner feel comfortable with.

Schedule a complimentary couples consultation if you’d like to learn more about working with us and see if it would be a good fit.

Does couples therapy work?

Yes. According to the American Psychological Association, most couples receiving emotionally focused therapy find it effective. Further, nearly 90% of couples noticed a significant improvement in their relationship after participating in marriage therapy.

Research has revealed that couples who participated in counseling report improved communication, decreased conflict, and increased relationship satisfaction.

We have worked with many couples on the brink of divorce, helping them to transform and save their relationships.

Is it too late to try couples therapy?

Even if you feel like the problems between you and your partner are too overwhelming, the hurts have piled up, and the distance has become too vast — there is still hope.

With the right support, you can turn things around and salvage your relationship.

At Lasting Love Connection, we help couples on the brink of divorce transform their relationships and find a path forward.

If you feel defeated or hopeless about the state of your relationship, don’t try to figure it all out on your own. We are here to support you and help you to repair your relationship. It’s not too late.

How do I get my partner to agree to go to couples counseling?

It’s normal to have some hesitance about starting couples therapy.

First, gently broach the topic by sharing how therapy could be helpful for your relationship. For example, you might say, ‘We could get support talking through our issues without fighting’ or ‘We can learn new skills for conflict resolution.’

Emphasize that having a neutral person could offer new perspectives and give you tools to navigate future challenges.

Next, allow your partner the space to express any concerns they have about couples therapy. It’s common to experience shame about needing outside support or feel nervous about sharing your feelings with a stranger. Whatever it may be, listen attentively as they share their feelings and hesitations. At the same time, avoid pressuring them to agree on the spot.

If they are willing, ask your partner to attend a complimentary couples consult so they get their questions answered.

If your partner is unwilling to try couples therapy, consider exploring other possibilities, such as starting with individual therapy or taking online classes or workshops.

Check out the Save Your Marriage Course.

What is the difference between individual therapy and couples therapy?

Individual therapy involves a therapist or counselor working with one person to address their emotional or mental health concerns. An individual might seek individual therapy for many reasons, from experiencing symptoms of a mental health disorder or navigating a stressful life circumstance or transition.

In individual therapy, a licensed therapist works with an individual to identify the root causes of their issues and develop strategies for coping.

On the other hand, couples therapy is centered on improving your relationship. In couples therapy, a marriage therapist works with you and your partner to address conflicts or challenges. Through therapy sessions, you’ll work on improving communication and transforming unhelpful patterns to have a healthier relationship.

Is virtual couples therapy just as effective as in-person couples therapy?

Yes. Research has found that virtual couples therapy is just as effective as in-person couples therapy for addressing a range of mental health concerns, including relationship problems.

Some people prefer online therapy over in-person therapy because online therapy services eliminate numerous stressors, such as the time required to travel to a therapist’s office and the additional cost of childcare. At Lasting Love Connection, we believe in addressing issues where they begin — in the home.

How long does couples therapy take?

The duration of couples therapy varies depending on each couple’s unique circumstances and needs. Couples therapy can last anywhere from a few weeks to several months or even years. It depends on the complexity of the issues being addressed and the willingness of the couple to implement changes at home.

Ultimately, it’s important to remember that change does not happen overnight. It takes time to adopt new patterns and healthier ways of relating to each other.

As you work on your relationship, remaining patient with yourself and your partner is essential. For couples therapy to be as effective as possible, attend weekly sessions consistently and remain committed to the process. To ensure you get the most benefit per session, create goals ahead of time so sessions stay focused.

Can couples therapy fix a toxic relationship?

Yes. Couples therapy transforms relationships. Through working with a relationship expert, you will identify unhealthy patterns and develop behaviors that will help your partnership to thrive.

Warning signs of a toxic relationship include:

  • Lack of trust

  • Patterns of dishonesty or secrecy

  • Infidelity

  • Emotional neglect

  • Controlling or manipulative behaviors

  • Poor boundaries

  • Frequent arguing

  • Lack of communication about important issues

  • Feeling like you can’t express your feelings without judgment

  • Unhealthy communication patterns (such as criticism, defensiveness, etc.)

At Lasting Love Connection, we see couples stuck in unhealthy relationship dynamics and help them to learn new ways of relating. Regardless of how engrained the patterns have become, we can help you turn things around and start building a healthier relationship.

However, the success of couples therapy is largely dependent on you and your partner’s level of commitment. For couples therapy to be beneficial, both of you must be willing to take responsibility for your role in the relationship and work to improve things.

What are the benefits of online couples counseling?

Virtual couples therapy can be more convenient and flexible than in-person therapy. Online relationship therapy eliminates stressors such as commuting to a therapist’s office and paying for childcare. Since a virtual therapy session can happen anywhere, online therapy may be a convenient alternative for couples with busy schedules.

Virtual sessions are particularly helpful for long-distance couples, allowing them to participate in marriage therapy even when they’re not in the same location. Further, some individuals prefer online therapy to traditional therapy because they prefer talking to a coach from the comfort of their own environment.

Are there any downsides to couples therapy?

Research has found that couples therapy is very effective in helping people transform their relationships.

However, it’s important to note that relationship therapy is not a quick fix. For couples therapy to be effective, you and your partner must be committed to the process and willing to put in the time and effort to improve your relationship.

Other common concerns about starting couples therapy include the time commitment and how much couples therapy costs per session. While it might seem like an enormous investment, couples therapy is worth it for the significant changes you’ll see in your relationship over time.

Plus, at Lasting Love Connection, we offer online couples therapy, which removes many stressors, such as having to set aside extra time to commute to a therapist’s office. Online relationship therapy services make fitting sessions into your busy routine easy. Online therapy can even happen without you and your partner being in the same location.

What should I expect from a couples therapy session?

With couples therapy, we’ll work as a team to set goals for our time together. For instance, you might want to stop blow-out arguments, learn conflict resolution, or have deeper passion and intimacy.

In a virtual therapy session, we’ll provide guidance and support through relationship issues. We facilitate communication between and offer new perspectives and insights.

We’ll also give you tools to build a healthier relationship through communication exercises, intimacy practices, and more. Also, we give homework assignments to complete between sessions to put what you’ve learned into practice.

How do I prepare for my first couples therapy session?

Before your first therapy session, we will have you and your partner complete a relationship assessment form. Answering the questions will get you thinking about the concerns you’d like to address, what you hope to learn from couples therapy, and how you would like your relationship to be different.

It’s also important to come to therapy sessions with a healthy mindset. Instead of coming in ready to point fingers at your partner, view therapy as the chance to work together as a team to improve the relationship dynamic.

What will I gain from couples therapy sessions?

Research reveals that couples therapy can lead to many positive outcomes in romantic relationships, such as:

  • Increased relationship satisfaction

  • Better communication skills and conflict resolution

  • Decreased conflict

  • Mending past hurts

  • Increased self-esteem and confidence in discussing needs within the relationship

Additionally, couples therapy has as many benefits as individual therapy in helping you grow as a person and express your emotions more clearly.

Not only will couples therapy help you to address current relationship issues, but it will also equip you with the tools to navigate future challenges when they arise.

The Best Online Relationship Counseling Programs To Revitalize Fun, Connection, Communication, And Passion!

Best Online Couples Counseling
Best Online Couples Counseling
Best Online Couples Counseling

It can be hard to find the time and energy to go to relationship counseling, especially if one or both partners are extremely busy.

Juggling work, family, and social obligations can be challenging, and it’s easy for couples to let their relationship fall by the wayside.

Attend online marriage counseling and premarital counseling and get the help you need – Without having to leave home or take time off work like you do for in person sessions.

In addition, you can video chat with your counselor via video sessions in real-time, so it’s easy for you and your spouse to get support when you need it.

Choose The Best Online Relationship Counseling Program That’s Right For You

If you’re feeling lost and stuck in your relationship…

You’re not alone.

Relationship problems are extremely common. But that doesn’t mean they have to stay that way. Multiple communication methods can help bring love back into your relationship.

You may be scared to invest in online marriage counseling programs, but we’ve helped thousands of couples transform their relationships for the better.

And we can do the same for you.

What Are You Looking For In Your Relationship?

For those seeking therapy to transform their marriage, online relationship counseling services provide the professional support necessary to fall in love again.

Whether you’re looking to overcome issues such as infidelity, constant fighting, a lack of attraction or passion…

Whatever your relationship style… whether you’re same gender couples, straight, unmarried…

We can help save your relationship.

Communication Program

Online Marriage Counseling
Build confidence in yourself to say how you feel.

Have your partner listen to your perspective and understand your concerns.

Get your partner to open up and voice their thoughts and feelings.

Premarital Program

Online Couples Counseling

Shortcut your struggles and create healthy dynamics before getting married.

Learn how to stop arguments in the moment so you feel the love more often.

Find out how to repair hurts before they turn into bigger problems.

Intimacy Program

Intimacy Coaching Program

Reconnect and fall back in love with your spouse.

Learn to stop sacrificing your mental health care for your relationship.

Bring excitement and passion into your relationship.

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Articles To Help Your Relationship Thrive

Marriage Goals
Best Online Couples Counseling
Best Online Couples Counseling
Best Online Couples Counseling
Save Your Marriage

Resources For Happy, Healthy Relationships

The Save Your Marriage Workbook

This workbook provides hundreds of proven methods to save marriages. Evidence-based exercises will guide you to the relationship you want.

The Save Your Marriage Workbook features intimacy practices, communication exercises, and rituals that will reignite love within your relationship.

Best Online Couples Counseling
Best Relationship Workbook For Couples

Lasting Love Connection Relationship Workbook

Date Night Ideas, Relationship Goals, and Bucket Lists for Couples

This workbook is a roadmap to the fun, excitement, and passion you long for. Whether you’ve been together for years or in a new relationship, you’ll make unforgettable memories, add purpose to your partnership, and connect deeper. Get date night ideas, create a couples bucket list, set couple goals, and write in a relationship check-in journal.

The Intimacy Deck

The Intimacy Deck is an interactive game designed to strengthen friendship and passion within a marriage.

No matter how long you’ve been with your spouse, this game offers a fun and easy way to connect.

Online Couples Counseling
Online Couples Counseling

The Appreciation Game

The Appreciation Game is another interactive exercise designed to strengthen the connection between you and your spouse. If you’re struggling with resentment towards one another, this deck can help you find common ground and feel love for one another again.

Intimacy Workshop For Couples

This online workshop guides you into a deeper connection and that electrifying passion you crave. With the intimacy blueprint and communication skills, you’ll confidently fulfill desires and increase the attraction and pleasure in your relationship.

Intimacy Workshop
Online Couples Counseling

Save Your Marriage Course

The Save Your Marriage Course helps couples face issues. If you feel that your marriage needs guidance, the Save Your Marriage Course is an excellent place to start. This course implements proven methods, such as the Gottman Method, to help you and your spouse overcome conflicts and restore love.

About Your New Relationship Coach Luis Congdon Or Kamala Chambers

Best Online Couples Counseling
Best Online Couples Counseling

Luis Congdon and Kamala Chambers are a husband and wife team who co-founded Lasting Love Connection.

They are relationship coaches trained in the Gottman Method, mental health care in relationships, and emotionally focused therapy.

They have counseled and helped thousands of married couples and offered professional marriage counseling services for over 15 years.

Luis and Kamala have interviewed essentially every relationship expert in the nation. They have studied and applied their techniques carefully to understand relationships and how to overcome issues.

Luis and Kamala, are authors of the Save Your Marriage Workbook and course and design research-backed tools to restore love in even the most troubled marriages.

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