8 Ways To Respect Your Wife’s Feelings And Gain Her Respect

“How do I respect my wife’s feelings, even if she doesn’t respect me?”

When your marriage lacks respect, it is normal to wonder whether changing your behavior will make any difference.

Even if things seem difficult right now, it is possible to break the pattern of disrespect and tension and create the loving relationship that you deserve.

There is hope.

This article will explore common signs of a disrespectful wife and what compromises respect in a marriage.

Then, we will discuss simple steps to respect your wife’s feelings and how you can approach her with respect and empathy, even if you think she has disrespectful behavior.

What are the Signs of a Disrespectful Wife?

First, let’s take a look at common warning signs that your wife doesn’t respect you.

She’s Constantly Criticizing You

One big sign that your wife doesn’t respect you is constant criticism (one of the destructive communication styles called the Four Horsemen.

For instance, your wife might make hurtful comments about your appearance or abilities.

Moreover, she might compare you to other men by saying, “All of my friends’ husbands make more money than you.”

She Puts You Down in Front of Others

Respect Your Wife'S Feelings

When a wife disrespects her husband, it often doesn’t just happen at home.

Your wife also puts you down in front of others.

For example, your wife starts making fun of your clothes or weight when you’re at dinner with friends or family.

Even if she tries to pass it off as a joke, her words are still hurtful and embarrassing.

She Doesn’t Listen to You

Another clear sign that your wife doesn’t respect you is if she doesn’t listen to what you say.

She may ignore your point of view or interrupt you when you talk.

Additionally, if you express your emotions, your wife may dismiss or invalidate them.

She Hides Things From You

Dishonesty and secrecy are common behaviors of disrespect.

Respect Your Wife'S Feelings

When your wife frequently lies or withholds information from you, it is a way of saying, “I don’t respect you enough to give you the truth.”

Related Reading: When to Leave a Lying Spouse

She Tries to Control You

If your spouse consistently uses manipulation or control to get her way, your wife doesn’t respect you.

For instance, she may guilt-trip you into doing what she wants.

She Disregards Your Boundaries

Healthy boundaries are crucial for a married couple to feel safe and connected.

However, you notice that whenever you set boundaries with your wife, she does not honor them.

For instance, you requested an hour to yourself when you get home from work to recharge.

Instead, the second you walk through the door, your wife repeatedly asks you to do a chore or pressures you to spend time with her.

This disrespectful behavior makes you feel your wife doesn’t care about your needs.

She Flirts With Other Men in Front of You

Flirting with other men in front of you can indicate that your wife doesn’t respect you.

For example, you observe her engaging in flirty conversations with a young man during a party you both attend. Even though she may claim she is just talking, the interaction seems inappropriate.

She’s Unwilling to Compromise

Respect Your Wife'S Feelings

In a healthy marriage, you and your partner have a healthy balance of give and take.

You work together to ensure both of your needs are met.

However, if your wife doesn’t respect you, she may insist that everything goes her way.

She may refuse to consider your opinion or find a compromise.

Her unwillingness to compromise creates a power imbalance in the relationship, leading to issues.

She is Physically Distant

When a wife becomes physically distant, it could be due to disrespect towards her husband.

It’s common for a wife who doesn’t respect her husband to keep to herself or reject his sexual advances.

She may also refrain from initiating physical touch like before.

When it feels like your wife doesn’t desire you, it’s normal to feel confused, frustrated, or lonely.

She is No Longer Interested in Hearing About Your Life

A disrespectful wife is no longer interested in hearing about your work, hobbies, and goals.

Your wife was once your best friend, but now it feels like she has disengaged.

You no longer feel like a priority in her life.

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Why Has My Wife Lost Respect for Me?

Do you feel your wife has lost respect for you?

It can be a confusing and challenging situation to deal with. You are likely wondering what caused this shift in her behavior towards you.

The first step towards resolving this issue is identifying the root cause of your wife treating you disrespectfully.

Let’s look at some of the most common reasons a wife treats her husband disrespectfully.

Communication Issues

Respect Your Wife'S Feelings

Lack of effective communication can cause misunderstandings, neglect, and frustration, leading to a loss of respect.

Broken Trust

Trust is fundamental in a loving and happy relationship.

If there has been a breach of trust, such as lying or infidelity, it can cause your wife to lose respect for you.

Unresolved Conflict

Over time, repeated unresolved conflicts erode mutual respect.

Ignoring or avoiding relationship problems often contributes to a breakdown in respect.

Refusal to Take Responsibility

Not taking personal responsibility or apologizing when necessary could be why your wife doesn’t respect you.

Lack of Appreciation

Failing to appreciate your wife’s efforts and contributions might make her feel unvalued, which could eventually lead to a loss of respect for you.

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How Do You Gain Your Wife’s Respect?

Feeling like your wife doesn’t respect you can be a very painful experience.

If your wife treats you disrespectfully, it’s natural to feel hurt, angry, or hopeless. You may even begin to feel worthless in your relationship.

However, with the following tips, you can turn things around and start gaining respect from your wife.

There is hope to break out old patterns and build the loving and happy relationship you desire.

Plan a Time to Talk

Respect Your Wife'S Feelings

First, ask your wife if she is willing to talk about your relationship.

If she agrees, find a time that works well for both of you to sit down without distractions.

By selecting a specific time to talk, instead of bringing up any frustrations you may have in the heat of the moment, you can enter the conversation feeling calm and collected.

Express Your Concerns Calmly

When you and your wife sit down to talk about the issue, communicate your concerns calmly and within your window of tolerance.

Focus on the behavior you notice and how it makes you feel instead of attacking your wife’s character.

For example, instead of saying, “You’re a rude wife,” express your feelings by saying something like, “I feel hurt and embarrassed when you make fun of me in front of my friends,” or “I feel ashamed when you talk about making more money than me.”

Invite Your Wife to Share

Respect Your Wife'S Feelings

After you express your concerns, invite your wife to share what’s been going on for her.

Sometimes, wives disrespect their husbands due to unmet needs or frustrations in the relationship.

By getting to the root of the issue, you can determine what changes are needed for your wife to respect you again.

However, if you find it difficult to discuss your relationship problems without arguing or shutting down, seeking the help of a mental health professional is in your best interest.

Marriage coaching provides a safe space to address issues of disrespect and gain new insights to improve your relationship.

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Keep Communication Lines Open

Respect Your Wife'S Feelings

When there is a lack of respect in a marriage, it is unlikely to be fixed overnight.

However, as you continue talking about your relationship, you will better understand each other and what you need to feel happy and fulfilled in your lives together.

Respect Yourself

Don’t underestimate the importance of self-respect when trying to regain your wife’s respect.

Respecting yourself involves acknowledging your value, honoring your needs and boundaries, and maintaining positive self-esteem.

Remember that you deserve respect and love even if your wife disrespects you.

All human beings have the right to be treated with kindness and respect.

Believing in this fundamental truth is the first step towards dealing with your disrespectful wife and establishing healthy boundaries to prevent further mistreatment.

You Build Self-Respect When You:

  • Acknowledge your inherent worth.
  • Set clear boundaries to protect your physical, emotional, and mental health.
  • Speak up for yourself and express your needs, opinions, and desires.
  • Prioritize self-care.
  • Challenge negative thoughts.
  • Practice self-compassion.
  • Forgive yourself for past mistakes.
  • Accept your imperfections and set goals to become a better person.

Respect Your Wife’s Feelings

Respect Your Wife'S Feelings

Gaining your wife’s respect requires you to show her respect.

Your wife may disrespect you because she feels disrespected.

Even if you’re not receiving respectful treatment, showing your wife kindness and respect is crucial.

Ultimately, you can’t control your wife’s behavior.

However, you can take responsibility for your role in the relationship and respond to your wife with kindness and openness.

The following section will discuss how to respect your wife’s feelings in greater detail.

8 Ways to Respect Your Wife’s Feelings

Let’s discuss 8 practical ways to show your wife respect and fuel positivity in your marriage.

1. Respect Your Wife’s Feelings Through Active Listening

Respect Your Wife'S Feelings

Active listening is an important skill to show that you are fully engaged and interested when your wife is talking.

To practice active listening, set aside distractions when conversing with your wife.

Making eye contact and using verbal cues like nodding shows that you are attentive and actively listening to what she is saying.

2. Respect Your Wife’s Feelings by Validating Her Emotions

Another way to respect your wife’s feelings is by allowing her to express her emotions without judgment.

When you’re talking with your wife, acknowledge her feelings without dismissing them or trying to offer a quick fix or solution.

Instead, use empathetic words and phrases like “I understand,” “I hear you,” or “I see why you feel that way” to show her that you care and that her feelings are valid.

3. Respect Your Wife’s Feelings by Asking Questions

Respect Your Wife'S Feelings

Ask open-ended questions to show you are engaged and interested in knowing more about your wife’s feelings and experiences.

This way, you can gain a deeper understanding of her inner world.

Also, asking questions creates a safe and supportive space for her to share her thoughts and feelings.

4. Respect Your Wife’s Feelings by Embracing Your Differences

Respecting your wife’s feelings involves acknowledging that her perspectives may differ from yours.

You will not see eye to eye about everything, and that is okay.

Avoid dismissing or attempting to change your wife’s point of view.

Instead, seek to understand where she is coming from and find common ground.

5. Respect Your Wife’s Feelings by Apologizing When Necessary

If you unintentionally hurt your wife’s feelings, offer a sincere apology.

Take responsibility for your actions and acknowledge that you hurt her, even if you didn’t mean to inflict pain.

Additionally, demonstrate that you are committed to not repeating the same behavior in the future.

6. Respect Your Wife’s Feelings by Being Supportive

Respect Your Wife'S Feelings

Whether your spouse is facing a challenging situation or just dealing with the usual stresses of real life, show your support.

Let your wife know you are there for her and willing to do whatever she needs to help or encourage her.

7. Respect Your Wife’s Feelings by Spending Time Together

Making time for each other is crucial for keeping a couple’s relationship strong.

Whether it’s having a date night or simply talking, you’re sending a clear message to your partner:

“You matter to me.”

By prioritizing time together, you strengthen your emotional connection, leading to greater respect, trust, and intimacy in your marriage.

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8. Respect Your Wife’s Feelings by Making Decisions as a Team

Another way to show respect towards your wife’s feelings is by involving her in decision-making.

If you often make decisions yourself or are set on doing things your way, make an effort to seek your wife’s input.

By collaborating on decisions, you communicate to your wife that her opinion matters and that you value her feelings.

Why Do Wives Lose Respect for Husbands?

Respect Your Wife'S Feelings

Losing respect in a marriage is complex and can arise for various reasons. Some common causes that lead wives to lose respect for their husbands are communication issues, lack of trust, unresolved conflicts, refusal to take accountability, neglecting the relationship, and lack of appreciation or support.

How Do You Deal With a Wife Who Doesn’t Respect You?

Respect Your Wife'S Feelings

If you’re dealing with a disrespectful wife, here are some steps you can follow: 1.) Pick a time when you and your wife can talk without distractions. 2.) Avoid blaming or attacking your partner while expressing your feelings. Instead of saying things like “You are such a rude wife,” use words like “I feel…” 3.) Provide specific examples of your wife’s behavior that make you feel disrespected. 4.) Encourage your wife to share her perspective. 5.) Ask open-ended questions to better understand her feelings and uncover underlying issues. 6.) Set boundaries so that you are on the same page about acceptable behavior in your marriage.

How Do I Show My Wife I Respect Her?

Respect Your Wife'S Feelings

Respecting your wife is crucial for a successful relationship. Here are some tips to make your wife feel respected and loved: 1.) Practice active listening when you talk to your wife. 2.) Acknowledge and validate her emotions. 3.) Express gratitude and appreciation for her contributions to the relationship. 4.) Show affection towards her. 5.) Honor her boundaries. 6.) Support her goals and dreams.

Should You Divorce a Disrespectful Wife?

Respect Your Wife'S Feelings

Dealing with a disrespectful wife can be a complex and challenging experience. When your wife disrespects you, it can lead to negative consequences such as low self-esteem and poor mental health. However, if you and your wife are willing to take appropriate action and work on your relationship, there is hope to break these patterns and develop healthier ways of relating. Seek the support of a marriage coach who will help you address relationship issues and rebuild mutual respect.

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Lasting Love Connection offers top-ranked couples counseling services. Luis Congdon and Kamala Chambers are co-founders and co-authors of all that Lasting Love Connection offers. They have worked with thousands of couples nationwide via dynamic video coaching sessions and have features in Huffington Post, Inc Magazine, TEDx, Forbes, and Chicago Tribune.

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