Activities To Rebuild Trust In A Relationship & Repair The Damage

Are you looking for activities to rebuild trust in a relationship?

After a breach of trust, you may wonder if your relationship can be salvaged.

Perhaps you are unsure whether you can move past the hurt and anger and restore trust.

In this article, you’ll learn about the steps for rebuilding trust in a relationship and some of the best trust-building exercises for couples.

What trust-building exercises bring couples closer together?

There are many activities to rebuild trust in a relationship that will bring you closer together. Trust-building can happen through communicating until you both feel heard and creating more positive experiences than negative ones. The first step to rebuild trust is to look at why and how the trust was broken.

Why trust is essential in relationships?

Activities To Rebuild Trust In A Relationship

Building a strong connection with your partner requires trust. Trust in your relationship builds a strong foundation of togetherness. Trust allows you to feel safe and secure with your partner and gives you the confidence to be vulnerable and honest. When you trust your partner, you know they have your best interests at heart and will be here for you when you need them most.

Also, when you build trust, sharing your thoughts and feelings is easier without fear of judgment or rejection. Other factors that make a relationship thrive are mutual honesty, respect, and understanding. Trust brings them all together.

What breaks trust in a relationship?

Activities To Rebuild Trust In A Relationship

Trust is essential for healthy relationships.

When you build trust, you can be vulnerable with your partner, knowing they are emotionally safe.

However, some behaviors can damage trust.

1. Lying

Dishonesty is the fastest way to break trust in a relationship. If your partner lies to you, it can be difficult to believe them in the future.

Even small lies erode trust over time.

2. Infidelity

Cheating is one of the most painful things in a relationship. Cheating destroys trust and can cause deep emotional pain that is hard to recover from.

Related Reading: Recovery from Affair

3. Lack of communication

Effective communication is crucial for building trust. If you or your partner are unwilling to communicate and be honest, it can be hard to trust each other.

4. Broken promises

Breaking promises erode trust, making one partner feel like they can’t rely on the other partner.

5. Withholding information

Keeping secrets makes it difficult to trust. Secrets can include withholding anything from personal feelings to spending habits.

6. Lack of support

In a healthy relationship, both partners should feel supported by each other. If you’re not there for your partner when they need you, they may doubt your commitment to the relationship.

7. Disrespect

Disrespecting each other is a trust breaker. This can include name-calling, belittling opinions or feelings, and more.

If you want to build trust in your relationship, be honest, open, and supportive.

Share your internal world, keep your promises, and show your partner you’re committed to the relationship.

Doing so creates a foundation of trust that will help your relationship thrive.

Remember, building trust takes time and effort, but it’s worth it for a healthy and happy relationship.

What are the 7 steps to rebuilding trust?

Activities To Rebuild Trust In A Relationship

You can take practical steps to rebuild trust with your spouse once trust is broken.

While it doesn’t happen overnight, it is possible to fix a broken relationship and find a way forward.

1. Acknowledge the hurt

First, talk about the root cause of the breach of trust.

Maybe it was one big event, like cheating or a build-up of dishonesty or secrecy.

Perhaps you can’t trust your partner because they often use hurtful language during arguments.

To rebuild trust, there must be an acknowledgment of how one person hurt the other and the fracture it has caused in the relationship.

As your partner shares their feelings, listen attentively and ask clarifying questions to gain a better understanding of their perspective.

2. Accept responsibility

As you talk with your partner, resist the urge to justify your actions or minimize their concerns.

When you feel attacked, it can be easy to respond defensively or turn the blame around on the other person.

Instead, take responsibility for your role in the situation.

Acknowledge that your actions have hurt your partner, even if you didn’t intend to or you view the situation differently.

3. Apologize and forgive

Next, offer a sincere apology for actions and behaviors that have hurt your partner.

Try to be as specific as possible.

For example, instead of saying, “I’m sorry I hurt you,” you might say, “I’m sorry that I started yelling during our fight yesterday. I know how much that upsets you.”

It can be tough to forgive your partner if you have been hurt.

Perhaps you feel like extending forgiveness somehow lets your partner ‘off the hook’ or opens you up to getting hurt again.

Forgiveness allows you to focus on the future

Activities To Rebuild Trust In A Relationship

Remember that forgiveness does not absolve your partner of the pain they have caused.

Extending forgiveness doesn’t mean you automatically revert to how things were before the betrayal or hurtful incident.

Forgiveness is not equivalent to saying, “What you said or did is not that big of a deal.”

However, forgiving your partner frees you from anger and relationship resentment.

Forgiveness is essential to being able to move forward and start rebuilding what has been broken.

4. Set boundaries

An essential part of rebuilding trust is setting new boundaries.

Boundaries ensure that both partners are on the same page about what is okay and not okay within the relationship.

Having clear boundaries helps you and your partner feel safe and respected.

After a betrayal, boundaries may have to be renegotiated to prevent future breaches of trust.

For example, having access to each other’s phones might be a violation of privacy under normal circumstances.

However, it may be necessary to instill temporary boundaries after infidelity, like asking your partner to share passwords to their social media accounts.

After the trust is rebuilt, these boundaries can be removed. For now, though, they can help to re-establish safety while you repair your relationship.

5. Keep lines of communication open

Make sure that you continuously engage in relationship check-ins.

Regularly check in with each other and talk about your feelings, needs, and concerns.

Having an open line of communication ensures you continuously feel heard and understood as you process broken trust in your relationship.

Setting a consistent check-in time helps you prioritize your relationship and build trust again.

6. Show respect

Mutual respect is essential as you work to rebuild trust in your relationship.

When there is respect between you and your partner, you offer each other compassion and understanding even when you have different perspectives.

Instead of criticizing or shaming your partner for their thoughts, emotions, or opinions, you seek to understand where they’re coming from.

7. Give it time

Ultimately, remember that rebuilding trust in a relationship does not happen overnight.

Trust grows with every interaction as you rely on your partner to treat you respectfully, support you, and stay true to their word.

Focus on taking baby steps to repair your relationship and gradually rebuild trust.

The best thing you can do is keep putting in the effort daily and remain patient with the process.

Can couples overcome trust issues?

Activities To Rebuild Trust In A Relationship

Yes, you and your partner can overcome trust issues.

That being said, restoring mutual trust requires honest communication and patience.

Maybe your wife or husband cheated, and you’re unsure how to unravel yourself from many layers of relationship hurt, anger, and pain.

Or perhaps you have been dishonest and wonder if you’ll ever gain back your partner’s trust.

To rebuild trust, you and your partner must be equally invested in repairing the relationship.

You must be willing to communicate your feelings and needs and seek to understand each other.

Additionally, trust exercises help you to connect more intimately and build trust again.

Seek professional support

Activities To Rebuild Trust In A Relationship

If you cannot have these conversations without fighting, or you’re unsure where to begin addressing built-up hurt, seek the support of a certified relationship coach or marriage and family therapist.

Marriage counseling sessions provide a safe space to talk about your emotions and resolve conflicts.

A relationship expert will support you as you process challenging emotions and learn to communicate more effectively.

Additionally, couples counselors can guide you in trust exercises to strengthen your relationship.

At Lasting Love Connection, we’re here to help. To learn about online marriage counseling for your relationship, book a free couples consult.

7 activities to rebuild trust in a relationship

With these trust-building exercises, you’ll deepen your emotional connection, increase physical intimacy, and grow closer to each other.

Create a shared vision board

Activities To Rebuild Trust In A Relationship

A vision board is a fun way to display your shared goals as a couple.

Also, it can be a trust-building exercise because it requires meaningful communication about your hopes and dreams for the future.

To start, sit down with your partner and talk about your shared goals.

Use these questions to plan your shared vision board

  • What do you want to achieve together?
  • What experiences do you want to share?
  • Is there anywhere you’d like to travel together?
  • What do you want our life together to look like?

Next, browse magazines or online, and decide on images that represent your shared aspirations.

Then, cut the images out and arrange them on a large board or piece of paper.

Once you create your vision board, display it somewhere you and your partner can see it regularly.

In the Relationship Workbook, you’ll find exercises to make it easy for you and your partner to create a shared vision board.

Ask a meaningful question

Activities To Rebuild Trust In A Relationship

In a new relationship, asking endless questions is common as you seek to learn everything about the person you’re dating.

However, this curiosity tends to diminish over time.

Many people in long-term relationships stop asking their partner questions.

It’s easy to assume you know everything about your partner once you’ve been together for a while.

However, just as you are constantly changing, so is your partner.

Remaining curious about your partner and having deep conversations keeps your relationship from becoming stagnant.

Asking each other meaningful questions is one of the best trust-building exercises for couples looking to know each other more deeply.

Maybe your conversations these days rarely move past logistics and scheduling, and you feel uneasy about asking a different kind of question. This is normal.

Start small with a few simple questions

Intimacy Deck - Couples Card Games
  • What are you excited about this week?
  • What are you anxious about this week?
  • What has been on your mind lately?

If you’re looking for a low-pressure way to do this trust exercise, pick up the Intimacy Deck.

This couples card game lets you learn more about your partner and build emotional intimacy.

Share secrets

Opening up to your partner and sharing information you haven’t before is a great way to build trust and increase emotional intimacy.

Start by asking your partner a question you’ve never asked them before.

For example, you could ask them about their childhood or their fears about the future.

Or you could disclose something intimate that you haven’t shared with them yet.

Being vulnerable with each other helps to build trust and expand your emotional connection.

Request a favor

Activities To Rebuild Trust In A Relationship

Actions speak louder than words.

Maybe you keep hearing your partner talk about their commitment to the relationship, and you’d like to see them take action.

Allow your partner to support you by asking them to do small tasks like picking something up from the grocery store.

Following through with your request demonstrates that their actions match their words and they are willing to put in the effort.

Over time, you’ll learn you can count on your partner to come through for you and establish a trusting bond.

Try eye gazing

Sometimes couples go all day, or sometimes several days, without looking each other in the eyes. This one simple gesture can express that you’re here and present with each other.

Eye-gazing is one of the most straightforward trust-building exercises for couples that want to feel connected.

Several studies have shown that prolonged eye contact deepens trust, intimacy, and attraction.

To do this trust-building exercise, sit facing each other and look deeply into each other’s eyes.

Feel free to blink or smile. Refrain from talking as you focus on your partner.

Try to maintain eye contact for five minutes if possible.

While it may feel awkward initially, eye-gazing has been proven to have many positive benefits, such as increasing attraction and enhancing sexual intimacy.

Plan a date night

Quality time together is an essential aspect of a healthy relationship.

However, fun and play is often the first thing to get put on the back burner.

Prioritize your relationship by deciding on a consistent time for date nights.

Date nights are essential trust-building exercises for couples who desire a fulfilling partnership.

Making the time to date each other keeps your relationship passionate and exciting.

Additionally, it helps both partners feel invited, desired, and special.

Want fun date ideas? Pick up the Date Night Relationship Workbook.

Relationship Workbook For Couples

Dates are a fun way to grow closer

Activities To Rebuild Trust In A Relationship

Dates don’t have to be extravagant or expensive.

Date night can be as simple as cooking dinner together, walking, or playing a favorite game.

Or you might decide to push past your comfort zone and try something different, like an activity you’ve never done before or planning a weekend getaway.

As you take turns planning date nights, you’ll reignite the spark in your relationship as you spend meaningful time together.

Go to couples therapy

Consider couples therapy if you’re looking for further trust-building exercises or activities to rebuild trust in a relationship.

Couples counselors and coaches are trained to help you work through challenges and give you the tools to improve your relationship.

Book a free couples consult.

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Kamala and Luis

About Luis Congdon & Kamala Chambers

Lasting Love Connection offers top-ranked couples counseling services. Luis Congdon and Kamala Chambers are co-founders and co-authors of all that Lasting Love Connection offers. They have worked with thousands of couples nationwide via dynamic video coaching sessions and have features in Huffington Post, Inc Magazine, TEDx, Forbes, and Chicago Tribune.

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