17+ Couple Goals – How To Have A Thriving & Loving Relationship

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The best way to achieve a couple’s goals is to make time to create them together.

Talk about what you both want to achieve in life and make a plan together.  Relationship goals show your person that you’re their biggest supporter. And your goals are more attainable when you work together as a team.

What are couple goals?

Couple Goals

Relationship goals are anything you both want to achieve together. It could be something as simple as trying a new restaurant every week or taking a trip to a new country every year. Whatever it is, ensure you’re both on the same page and working towards the same goal.

Long-term goals for couples are like personal growth for a relationship.

Setting relationship goals, meaning the things you want to accomplish together, shows your partner that you are in a devoted and committed relationship and are willing to go the extra mile to make it work.

A happy marriage is built on a solid foundation. One way to help solidify your relationship is to set goals as a couple.

How to set goals as a couple?

Goal setting will help you and your partner focus on what is important to you and establish a common purpose.

When setting relationship goals, be realistic and focus on achievable objectives.

For example, rather than setting a goal to “never fight,” it would be more realistic to set a goal to “fight less often.” Similarly, rather than setting a goal to “always be happy,” it would be more realistic to set a goal to “be happier more often.”

Date Night Relationship Workbook For Couples

By setting realistic relationship goals, you and your partner can work together to improve your relationship and achieve lasting love.

Next, when setting goals, be specific. For example, rather than saying you want to spend more time together, set a goal to go on one date night per week.

Also, be sure to involve your partner in the goal-setting process. This will ensure that both of you are committed to achieving the goals.

Finally, remember to review and revise your goals regularly.

As your relationship evolves, so too should your goals. Setting goals as a couple can help create a lasting bond built on shared values and common objectives.

If you and your partner want a guide for creating goals together, pick up the Date Night Workbook.

How can relationship goals help you have a healthy relationship?

Working towards relationship goals can help you have a beautiful relationship in several ways. Couple goals can help you communicate better, be more supportive of each other, and stay connected even when times are tough.

Achieving goals together can also help you strengthen your bond and build trust. So if you’re looking to develop healthier relationship dynamics, setting and working towards some relationship goals is a great place to start.

Couple Goals

Relationship goals can help.

  • Encourage you to communicate more.
  • Help you be more supportive of each other.
  • Stay connected even when times are tough.
  • Create trust and strengthen your bond.

So, setting some relationship goals is a great place to start if you’re looking for ways to improve your relationship. You and your partner can sit down and brainstorm some goals you’d like to achieve together.

Once you have goals in mind, plan how you will achieve them.

Set goals, work together, be supportive, celebrate successes, learn from failures, and stay connected.These things will help keep your relationship strong and lasting.

And your couple goals are attainable with a little bit of work and dedication.

Related Article: Create Marriage Goals Together.

Successful couple goals every relationship needs

Setting goals is a crucial part of any relationship. It gives you something to strive for together and can help you stay on the same page. But what kind of couple goals should you set?

The best goals fulfill all the love languages and give a sense of purpose to your relationship.

Here are long-term relationship goals examples to help you get started.

1. Spend quality time together regularly.

Couples Card Games - Appreciation And Intimacy Decks

Spending time together is essential for all relationships.

When we have time with someone, it’s a positive way to say we value their company and want to build an emotional and physical connection with them.

This is especially important in romantic relationships, as it helps to foster emotional and physical intimacy.

Moreover, research shows that couples who spend more time together tend to be more satisfied with their relationship.

Time together allows couples to receive love and affection from one another. In other words, couples who spend time together are more likely to experience the positive benefits of being in a relationship.

So if you’re looking to nurture your relationship, set aside time for your partner. Set aside time each week to be with your partner without T.V. or social media distractions.

Want a fun way to spend time together? Pick up the couples card games.

2. Communicate openly and honestly with each other.

Couple Goals

One relationship goal to strive for is honest communication.

To practice honest communication is to be open with your partner about your thoughts and feelings.

Listen to your partner and try to understand their perspective.

If you are feeling hurt or upset, talk about those feelings rather than bottle them up.

For example, if you feel like your husband wants sex but not intimacy, tell him how you feel. Gently suggest what you need to feel more connected to him emotionally and physically.

Honest communication can be difficult, but it is essential for your long-term goals. By practicing honest communication, you and your partner create trust and understanding.

3. Be supportive of each other’s dreams.

Couple Goals

Cheering for each other is one of the best parts of a relationship.

If you’re in a long-term relationship, chances are you’ll be there for your partner during the ups and downs of their life.

So why not show your support from the start by being interested in their dreams?

It can be easy to dismiss our partner’s goals as unattainable or unrealistic, but research shows that having a supportive partner is one of the key predictors of success.

In one study, participants were asked to imagine themselves in supportive or critical relationships.

They were then asked to rate their likelihood of achieving their goals.

Those who imagined themselves in a supportive relationship were more likely to feel confident about achieving their goals than those who imagined themselves in a critical relationship.

So, if you want your partner to succeed, start supporting their dreams.

4. Be honest.

Couple Goals

Honesty is the foundation of any strong relationship.

Honesty is essential in any relationship, but it plays a particularly important role in married life.

When two people are together for the long run, they need to be able to rely on each other for transparency and truthfulness.

Honesty fosters trust, respect, and communication, all essential for a strong and lasting marriage.

Without honesty, married couples would quickly find themselves at odds with each other, leading to conflict and potentially even divorce.

Therefore, if you want your marriage to thrive, ensure that honesty is always at the forefront of your relationship.

5. Commit to keeping everyday life fresh.

Couple Goals

Keep the spark alive by trying new things together and constantly learning about each other. A relationship should be an adventure!

It’s normal for the initial excitement of a new relationship to wear off after a while.

The novelty of being with someone new fades, and you settle into a more comfortable – but often less passionate – routine.

Remember the little things. It’s the little things that make a relationship special.

Here are a few ideas if you’re looking for ways to keep things fresh in your relationship.

One way to add spice is to create a bucket list of things you want to do together. This can be anything from visiting a new place to trying a new activity. Having something to look forward to together can help keep the spark alive.

Another idea is to make time for regular relationship check ins. This is a chance to share your feelings and what you need from the relationship. It can also be an opportunity to resolve any conflicts before they become too big.

Finally, remember that relationships take work. There’s no such thing as a perfect relationship – even the happiest couples go through rough patches. The key is to communicate openly and work together towards a solution. You can keep things fresh in your relationship for years to come with effort and effective communication.

6. Be patient with each other.

Couple Goals

One of the most important emotional goals in a relationship is developing patience. Without this skill, arguments are more likely to result in heated exchanges and even explosive fights.

Learning to be patient with your partner can help you regulate your emotions and respond to them more constructively.

Patience can also lead to a deeper understanding of each other and help you to resolve disagreements more quickly.

In addition, developing patience can help to create a more supportive and compassionate relationship.

When both partners can be patient with each other, it can foster a greater sense of trust and intimacy. So, to create a stronger, more emotionally supportive relationship with your partner, strive to develop patience.

7. Make time for activities.

Couple Goals

Research has been conducted on why relationships fail and what causes many couples to drift apart.

And while a whole lot of factors can contribute to the demise of a relationship, one of the most common is a lack of shared activities and interests.

When couples don’t have anything in common, they can easily grow apart. Doing things together allows couples to connect deeper and strengthens their bond.

It also gives them a shared experience to talk and reminisce about.

In addition, shared activities can help couples stay connected even when they’re not together. For example, if a couple enjoys going for hikes together, they can still stay connected by planning hikes when they’re apart.

A few examples of beautiful things you can do together are a road trip, games with friends, learning new skills, taking a class, and going to shows.

So if you’re looking for ways to keep your relationship strong, get off social media, turn off the T.V., and do more things together.

8. Work on your own goals too.

Couple Goals

Your personal goals and time alone can help your partnership.

Quality time with your partner is important, but focusing on your own individuality is just as essential for a healthy relationship.

It’s important to have some “me” time. Otherwise, you risk burning out or getting resentful. 

When you spend time alone, you can pursue your own interests, develop your sense of self, and work on your individual goals.

In turn, this can make you more interesting to your partner and help you to maintain a sense of balance in your relationship.

If you feel like you’re always giving to your relationship and never getting anything in return, it’s especially important to take a step back and focus on taking care of yourself.

By carving out some personal space, you can return to your relationship feeling refreshed and ready to give your all.

Ultimately, alone time is important to maintaining a happy and healthy relationship.

9. Accept each other’s flaws and learn to love them.

Couple Goals

In everyday life, we are constantly interacting with people and trying to build relationships.

One of the most important aspects of any relationship is learning to accept your partner’s flaws. This can be difficult, but it is essential for the relationship’s health. There are a few ways to approach this task.

First, remember that everyone has flaws, and no one is perfect.

Second, try to focus on your partner’s positive qualities and try to see their flaws in a positive light.

Finally, try to learn from your partner’s mistakes and use them as an opportunity to grow closer together.

Following these simple tips, you are creating a stronger relationship. No one is perfect, but we all have things that make us special and unique. Embrace your partner’s quirks! Don’t take each other for granted. Remember that relationships take work, but they’re worth it.

10. Forgive each other when you make mistakes.

Couple Goals

How can you build your future together when you’re stuck in the past?

Forgiveness is a relationship goal that helps you connect on a deeper level. You’re in this with your partner for the long haul.

The health of your relationship depends on how you discuss emotions in the moment and forgive each other when a bad thing happens.

Everyone makes mistakes. It’s a part of being human.

And while it’s easy to forgive others when they make a mistake, it’s not always so easy to forgive yourself after you hurt someone you love.

If you’re having trouble forgiving yourself, here are a few things that might help.

First, try to understand why you made the mistake. Was it a one-time thing or something that you’re struggling with?

If it was a one-time thing, chances are good that you can forgive yourself and move on. But forgiveness may be more difficult if you’re struggling with an issue. In this case, it may be helpful to talk to someone who can help you understand your mistakes and get on the right track.

Second, let go of the idea that you need to be perfect. We all make mistakes, and that’s okay. What’s important is that we learn from our mistakes and try to do better next time.

Third, remember that forgiveness is a process. It may take some time to forgive yourself fully, and that’s okay. Just keep taking small steps forward, and eventually, you’ll get there.

We all screw up sometimes, but it’s important to forgive and move on.

11. Be each other’s best friend.

Couple Goals

A strong friendship is the foundation of any great relationship.

Being friends with your partner means celebrating your successes and learning from your failures together.

To be your partner’s best friend, start with the long-term goal of understanding and being supportive of each other.

This doesn’t mean you have to agree on everything, but it does mean being there for each other through the good times and bad times. It also means being honest with each other and sharing your thoughts and feelings openly.

In addition, it is important to spend time together doing things you both enjoy and to make sure you are both getting your needs met.

Finally, resolve conflict constructively. Following these tips can develop a strong friendship that will last a lifetime.

12. Give each other plenty of physical connection and affection.

Couple Goals

In a happy marriage, partners feel close and express affection regularly. Research has shown that couples with more physical affection are more satisfied with their relationship.

Showing affection has many benefits, including reducing stress, increasing intimacy, and improving communication. When you show your partner affection, it sends a message that you care about them and are interested in maintaining a close relationship.

It can also show appreciation for all the little things your partner does that make your own life better.

If your love language is physical intimacy, then touch is especially key.

If you’re not used to being affectionate, it may take some time to get comfortable with the idea. However, it’s worth making the effort, as it can lead to a happier and more fulfilling relationship.

Whether cuddling, holding hands, or having sex, touch is an important part of any relationship.

Also, consider learning some skills to be a better lover to your partner.

If you and your partner have been in a rut when it comes to physical intimacy, making time for date nights and trying new experiences together can re-ignite attraction and passion.

13. Have fun together!

Couple Goals

Remember the early stages of your relationship? You probably laughed more and made time for fun without life getting in the way.

But now that you feel comfortable or get caught up in hard work, maybe you forget to try new things together.

One of the best ways to keep the spark alive is with this relationship goal. Make time for more fun.

That’s why a weekly date night is a valuable part of any relationship. It’s especially important if your love language is quality time.

Date nights are an opportunity to put aside work demands, taking care of children, and other responsibilities to focus on each other.

But a date night doesn’t have to be expensive or fancy – it can be anything you enjoy.

Whether it’s cooking dinner together, going for a hike, or simply snuggling up on the couch with a good movie, the important thing is to enjoy each other’s company.

So make sure to schedule regular date nights with your partner and enjoy making memories together.

Relationships should be enjoyable, so set aside time to goof off and have a good time.

14. Be there for each other during tough times.

Couple Goals

Be there for each other, no matter what. Your partner should be your go-to person for everything, big and small.

When times are tough, it’s important to have a supportive partner by your side.

Make an effort to stay connected, even when you’re apart. Whether you’re in different cities or just busy with work, it’s important to put in the effort to stay in touch.

Work on your financial goals with your person as well. Make sure you have enough money to cover your basic needs. If you’re struggling to make ends meet, your partner can help by floating you a loan or chipping in extra money when they can.

Other ways you can support each other during tough times…

Talk about your problems.

Bottling up your stress will only worsen. Communicate openly with your partner about what’s happening. They can’t help if they don’t know what’s wrong.

Take breaks from each other.

As much as you want to be together all the time, sometimes it’s necessary to get some breathing space. If things are getting too overwhelming, take some time to regroup and come back fresh.

Seek professional help.

If you’re both feeling lost, consider seeking out therapy or online couples counseling. A professional can help you work through relationship problems in a healthy way.

They can also lead you in marriage intimacy exercises to strengthen your connection.

Whether it’s a rough day at work or a family emergency, being there for your partner is what counts.

15. Be respectful of each other’s boundaries.

Couple Goals

One of the most important aspects of any relationship is boundaries. Having well-defined boundaries can help to keep a relationship alive and healthy.

Of course, every relationship is different, so it’s important to discuss boundaries with your partner and ensure that you are both on the same page. But in general, boundaries can help to provide structure and stability and can even help to increase emotional intimacy.

For example, it’s important to have respect for each other’s personal space and privacy.

After all, when we feel safe and secure in a relationship, we are more likely to let our guard down and be vulnerable with our partner.

So if you’re looking to take your relationship to the next level, consider setting some boundaries. It might just be the best thing you ever do for your relationship.

16. Learn to compromise.

Couple Goals

In every marriage, there will be times when husband and wife don’t see eye to eye. That’s perfectly normal. What’s important is how you handle those disagreements.

If you’re able to compromise with your spouse, you’re more likely to have a happy and lasting marriage.

So how do you compromise in a relationship?

First, understand what your real relationship goals are. What do you both want out of life together? Once you know what’s most important to each of you, finding areas, where you can compromise will be easier.

Next, keep an open mind when your spouse comes to you with an idea or request you don’t necessarily agree with. Instead of getting defensive, try to see their point of view and look for a middle ground that will work for both of you.

Finally, remember that compromising doesn’t mean one person always has to give in. Sometimes it might mean giving a little bit until you find the perfect solution.

Whatever it takes, if you’re both willing to work together, you’ll be able to find a way to compromise on just about anything.

No relationship is perfect, and there will be times when you have to give and take.

17. Say “I love you” often.

Couple Goals

These three little words can mean so much.

Saying “I love you” is not only good for your relationship, but it’s also good for your partner’s health.

A study published in the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology found that couples who express their love for one another regularly have lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

In addition, expressing love also boosts levels of oxytocin, known as the “cuddle hormone,” and is associated with increased happiness and feelings of connectedness.

Moreover, research has shown that people who feel loved and supported by their partner are more likely to live longer, have lower levels of anxiety and depression, and enjoy a higher quality of life.

Hearing and saying “I love you” is essential if your love language is words of affirmation.

So next time you’re feeling stressed or down, take a moment to tell your partner how much you love them. It just might be the best thing you do all day.

Getting on the same page with couple goals

No matter your relationship goals, these tips can help you create a stronger, happier partnership! What are some of your goals for your relationship? Share your couple goals with us in the comments below!

Couple goals take effort and dedication, but they’re worth it when you reach them together. Stay connected by communicating often and being supportive of each other. Be there for each other through the good times and the bad.

Celebrate your successes together and learn from your failures. These things will help keep your relationship strong and lasting.

Couple goals are attainable with a little bit of work and dedication. So what are you waiting for? Go out there and achieve something great with the one you love.

Get a hands-on guide to creating couple goals with Relationship Workbook.

Relationship Workbook For Couples

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Lasting Love Connection offers top-ranked couples counseling services. Luis Congdon and Kamala Chambers are co-founders and co-authors of all that Lasting Love Connection offers. They have worked with thousands of couples nationwide via dynamic video coaching sessions and have features in Huffington Post, Inc Magazine, TEDx, Forbes, and Chicago Tribune.

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