Tired Of Being Rejected By Wife? 6 Steps To More Intimacy

Are you tired of being rejected by wife?

It is painful and confusing when your spouse shuts down your attempts for intimacy.

However, there is hope to come to a place of understanding and rekindle your relationship.

This article will explore why a wife might reject her husband and its effects.

Then, we will provide you with step-by-step guidance on how to deal with your wife’s rejection.

Why is my wife rejecting me?

Tired Of Being Rejected By Wife

If your wife is repeatedly rejecting you, it’s normal to feel hurt and confused.

You may feel lonely and desperate to connect with her and don’t know why she’s avoiding your attempts for intimacy.

It’s easy to assume that your wife is no longer attracted to you or doesn’t love you anymore.

However, many factors may contribute to your wife’s behavior.

Let’s explore some potential reasons why your wife rejects you.

Lack of emotional intimacy

If your partner is turning down your sexual advances regularly, it may be because there is a lack of emotional connection in your relationship.

For many women, having a strong emotional connection is vital to feel turned on.

When emotional intimacy is missing, your wife may feel less inclined to engage in physical intimacy.

When you approach your wife for sex, even when you aren’t connected in other ways, she may even feel disvalued.

She may think, “My husband wants sex but not intimacy,” and feel lonely without the emotional closeness she craves in a relationship.

Unresolved issues

Tired Of Being Rejected By Wife

It’s possible that your wife’s rejection of you could be due to unresolved conflicts.

Past hurts that have not been addressed often lead to ongoing tension that hinders intimacy between you.

If your wife is holding onto resentment, she may reject your advances for sex.

For instance, your wife may feel solely responsible for housework and taking care of the children while you’re at the office.

When you return home, she does not receive the support or recognition she hopes for.

If your wife feels disrespected or resentful, it’s understandable that she wouldn’t feel open and available for intimacy.

Reduced sexual desire

Alternatively, your wife’s lack of interest in intimacy may be due to a decrease in sex drive unrelated to your relationship.

Women may experience decreased sex drive due to:

  • Hormonal changes.
  • High stress levels.
  • Body image concerns.
  • Physical health issues.
  • Mental health conditions.
  • Certain medications.
  • Life transitions (such as the birth of a child or the loss of a loved one).

Ultimately, the only way to know what’s happening is to talk to your wife and hear her perspective.

If you are experiencing challenges directly related to sexual intimacy, it may be helpful to try sex therapy.

What are the effects when your wife rejects you?

Feeling rejected is incredibly painful.

When your partner turns away, the hurt and frustration can be overwhelming, affecting both your mental health and your relationship.

Emotional distress

Tired Of Being Rejected By Wife

It is normal to feel sad or lonely when you are repeatedly rejected.

Additionally, rejection may trigger feelings of anger, frustration, or helplessness.

Over time, the constant strain of rejection may lead to mental health concerns such as anxiety or depression.

Decreased self-esteem

Ongoing feelings of rejection have a significant impact on your self-esteem.

If your partner has lost interest in intimacy, you may feel like you’re not good enough or desirable.

Feeling rejected might make you overly critical of your body or appearance or start comparing yourself to other men.

Relationship strain

Tired Of Being Rejected By Wife

Repeated rejection harms romantic relationships.

It often leads to increased conflict, communication breakdowns, or a sense of emotional distance between you.

Over time, you might even stop attempting to connect with your wife because you’re afraid to be rejected again, which only makes things worse.

What do you do when you’re tired of being rejected by wife?

Now, let’s discuss how to cope with your wife’s rejection.

As fractured as things seem, it is possible to reconnect and save your relationship.

However, positive change will not happen overnight; it takes time and commitment.

As you try to fix your broken relationship, remember to be patient.

Avoid pressuring your wife or blaming her for your relationship problems.

Both of you contribute to your relationship dynamic.

Be open to hearing your wife’s concerns without getting defensive, and take responsibility for your part in the relationship.

Tired of being rejected by wife #1: Calmly express your emotions

Tired Of Being Rejected By Wife

First, ask your wife if she would be willing to sit down and talk about your relationship.

Trying to address problems in the heat of the moment when you’re triggered or angry won’t allow you to make any progress in resolving the issue.

Instead, set aside a specific time to talk when you can enter the conversation feeling calm and grounded.

During the conversation, explain your feelings calmly and respectfully.

Instead of blaming your partner, focus on your own feelings.

For instance, you might say, “I feel rejected when you roll over and go to sleep at night when I want to connect.”

It’s possible that your wife might not realize how she is affecting you.

Tired of being rejected by wife #2: Focus on appreciation

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As you cope with relationship problems, try to direct your attention towards appreciation.

Focusing on your partner’s frustrating behaviors when you’re feeling rejected is natural, but dwelling on the negative will not spur positive change.

Instead, remind yourself of all the things you love and value about them as a person, why you connected in the first place, and why you want to reconnect.

Appreciation fuels positive energy and improves your relationship.

To bring more gratitude into your relationship, pick up the Appreciation Game.

Tired of being rejected by wife #3: Work together to address underlying issues

Tired Of Being Rejected By Wife

Once you understand what’s going on, work together to address the issue.

For instance, if your spouse feels emotionally disconnected, you may consider establishing a daily ritual, such as taking time to check in without distractions.

You could also ask your wife what makes her feel loved and connected, such as kind words, help with household chores, or physical touch without the expectation of sex.

Tired of being rejected by wife #4: Cultivate intimacy

If you want to improve your sex life, focus on building emotional intimacy.

Having a strong and intimate relationship requires effort, time, and dedication.

Start by scheduling a weekly date night where you eliminate distractions and focus entirely on being present with each other.

Inviting your wife on a date shows that you value your relationship and helps her feel appreciated and loved.

For 100+ unique ways to spend time together and infuse more passion and joy into your relationship, pick up the Relationship Workbook.

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Tired of being rejected by wife #5: Understand your wife’s perspective

Encourage your wife to express her feelings and perspective.

She might be holding back difficult emotions or frustrations in your marriage or dealing with other issues or stressors that have nothing to do with your relationship.

Regardless, listen to her concerns without judgment or defensiveness.

Instead, respond by asking follow-up questions to better understand what she’s going through and how to support her.

Tired of being rejected by wife #6: Seek support

Tired Of Being Rejected By Wife

If you are experiencing ongoing rejection from your wife and feel stuck, it may be time to speak with an expert.

A marriage coach will help you determine the root causes of your relationship challenges and give you practical tools for communication that will help you both feel heard and understood.

The issues won’t magically resolve in the first session, but with time and commitment, you can begin moving toward a more intimate and loving relationship.

Book a complimentary couples consultation to learn more about working with us.

How do I deal with rejection from my wife?

Tired Of Being Rejected By Wife 9

Start by talking to your wife about your concerns. Express your feelings without blame. Then, invite her to share her perspective and seek to understand her point of view.

What does rejection do to a husband?

Tired Of Being Rejected By Wife

Rejection over a long period can lead to emotional distress, anger, resentment, and low self-esteem. A rejected husband may act withdrawn, irritable, or shut down.

How does a rejected man behave?

Tired Of Being Rejected By Wife 10

When a man feels rejected, he may withdraw emotionally or physically, express anger or frustration, or seek reassurance from others about his worth and desirability.

How do men get over rejection?

Tired Of Being Rejected By Wife

Men should allow themselves to feel their emotions associated with rejection and seek support from others to process challenging feelings.

Share: If you’re tired of being rejected by your wife, what strategies will you try to improve your connection?


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