Have you ever wondered what goes on in the minds of husbands who cheat?
In this article, we will examine eight key reasons why a husband may cheat.
Additionally, we will discuss how to heal after infidelity and repair a broken marriage.
Table of Contents
What constitutes infidelity in a committed relationship?

People often have different ideas about what constitutes infidelity in a romantic relationship.
To avoid breaking trust, have an open conversation with your partner about what cheating means to you and establish clear boundaries and expectations.
Sexual affair
Engaging in sexual activities with someone other than your partner is a sexual affair.
This type of cheating may happen once or continue over a period of time.
In a sexual affair, the cheating spouse seeks a physical connection with another person without any emotional attachment.
Emotional affair
On the other hand, an emotional affair involves forming a deep emotional connection with someone other than your partner.
Characteristics of emotional affairs include
- Keeping the depth of your interactions with another person a secret.
- Turning to someone else for the emotional intimacy that is missing in your relationship.
- Expressing concerns about your marriage to another person instead of bringing them to your partner.
- Investing time and mental energy in another person in a way that is harmful to your primary relationship.
Emotional affairs can sometimes lead to physical intimacy, but it’s not always the case.
Related Reading: Emotional Cheating | What Is Emotional Infidelity
Online affair
Online infidelity, which involves forming inappropriate online relationships on the internet or social media, is becoming increasingly common with modern technology.
Even though online infidelity occurs without face-to-face interactions, it is just as much a betrayal as any extramarital affair.
Why do married men cheat?
Infidelity may occur due to many factors.
In this article, we will explore eight types of husbands who cheat.
It’s important to note that looking at the reasons behind cheating does not mean accepting or condoning the behavior.
By examining the common reasons why husbands cheat, you can better understand why your spouse cheated and determine the underlying issues that need to be addressed.
1. Husbands who cheat are missing emotional intimacy
Husbands who feel emotionally distant from their wives may seek that closeness elsewhere.
When a husband feels emotionally neglected or underappreciated, he may seek validation from someone else.
Related Reading: 15 Strategies for Improving Emotional Intimacy
2. Husbands who cheat have unmet sexual needs
When a man is not satisfied sexually in his marriage, he may seek to fulfill his needs outside the relationship.
He may be unfulfilled in his sex life due to infrequent sexual activity, unrealistic expectations about sexual behavior, differences in sexual desire, or decreased physical attraction to his wife.
Additionally, a husband may feel uncomfortable sharing his sexual preferences and fantasies with his wife, so he never gets what he wants from sexual interactions.
3. Husbands who cheat feel bored
Over time, it’s normal for a married couple to feel stagnant or stuck in a rut.
If they don’t make a conscious effort to seek new experiences and variety, a husband may be tempted to look for the passion and excitement that is missing in a new partner.
4. Husbands who cheat have unaddressed marital problems
Lingering relationship problems, such as unresolved conflicts, poor communication, or built-up resentment, can increase the likelihood of marital infidelity.
A married man may cheat to cope or distract himself from the turmoil in his marriage.
5. Husbands who cheat have low commitment to their partner
When husbands lack commitment to their marriage, they may use cheating as an escape plan when marital problems arise, or they feel unhappy.
Some husbands view cheating as a way to end their current relationship indirectly.
6. Husbands who cheat give in when an opportunity arises
Infidelity can happen in different circumstances, including work, travel, or social interactions.
Some men give in to temptation when they encounter opportunities, such as working late with an attractive co-worker or going out for drinks with the guys. They find it difficult to resist temptation when the opportunity to cheat is right in front of them.
7. Husbands who cheat have low self-esteem
Husbands with low self-esteem may feel like an affair validates they are sexually desirable.
Even in a fulfilling marriage, one partner can form inappropriate connections with others to fulfill a void within themselves.
8. Husbands who cheat are dealing with mental or physical health issues
When a husband struggles with mental or physical health issues (or his wife does), it can put a strain on the marriage.
The stress associated with chronic pain, anxiety, depression, or bipolar disorder may lead to tension and decreased emotional or physical intimacy in a relationship.
In this scenario, people cheat because they’re seeking satisfaction outside the marriage.
How do you recover from infidelity after your husband cheats?
If your husband had an affair, it’s natural to feel betrayed, angry, confused, or deeply sad after discovering you have a straying spouse.
You may question your relationship and wonder if your marriage will ever return to how it once was.
Is it possible for you to forgive your husband after he has hurt you deeply?
Will the painful memories of betrayal ever fade away?
Can trust be restored in your marriage after what he has done?
These questions are likely looming large in your mind.
Although affair recovery is a complex and painful process, it is possible to heal and come out stronger on the other side.
With the help of the professional help of marital therapy, many couples are able to survive infidelity and stay married.
A study by the American Psychological Association revealed that 57% of married couples where the unfaithful partner revealed their infidelity stayed together.
Once the affair is out in the open, you and your partner can begin the process of repairing your marriage.
In some instances, an affair is a catalyst for couples to address underlying issues in their marriage.
If you and your partner are committed to fixing your broken relationship, recovering from infidelity can pave the way for an even stronger marriage than before.
Related Reading: 9 Steps Of Infidelity Recovery
Open communication
To heal from infidelity, it’s essential to have open and honest conversations about the affair.
This may include asking your unfaithful spouse questions about how and why the affair occurred.
Try to avoid getting defensive when your partner shares.
Then, express your feelings and fears about the affair and your marriage.
To move forward in a relationship after cheating, the unfaithful partner must admit guilt, take responsibility for their actions, and acknowledge the harm they caused.
Does your husband seem more upset about getting caught cheating or genuinely remorseful for the ways he has hurt you?
A willingness to admit guilt, learn from mistakes, and take action to repair the relationship is a positive sign that you can rebuild a healthy marriage.
If you and your husband are struggling to talk about the affair without getting into arguments or shutting down, seek professional help.
Marital therapy or coaching provides a safe and supportive environment to have these difficult conversations so you and your spouse feel heard and understood.
Book a complimentary couples consultation to discuss how to repair your marriage after an affair.
Take steps to restore trust
Rebuilding trust in a relationship is not a quick fix and takes time.
However, you can start by taking small steps towards rebuilding emotional safety.
For instance, one partner can request access to the social media passwords or text messages of the other partner after an incidence of infidelity.
Each time the cheating partner proves that they have nothing to hide, it can restore trust and safety in the marriage.
Join the Save Your Marriage course to start repairing your relationship.
Set clear boundaries
Getting on the same page about what constitutes infidelity in your marriage helps prevent future cheating and breaches of trust.
Moreover, establishing boundaries helps your partner know what you need to feel secure and respected as you process the infidelity.
Practice self-care
Finding out that your partner has been unfaithful can significantly impact a person’s sense of self-esteem.
During this stressful time, prioritize self-care and activities that promote healing, mental and physical wellness, and relaxation.
Move toward forgiveness
Forgiving your husband for cheating on you doesn’t imply that you condone the affair or are willing to forget what happened.
It means you’re choosing to let go of the anger and resentment you’ve been carrying around.
By forgiving your husband, you can focus on building a better future for your marriage.
It’s okay if you aren’t ready to forgive your husband yet.
Give yourself time and space to process your emotions as they arise.
Remember, the healing process takes time, so be patient with yourself along the way, and seek professional support so you’re not trying to navigate this on your own.
Go to marriage counseling
If you have experienced infidelity in your marriage, don’t try to recover from an affair on your own.
A couples therapist or marriage counselor will provide the guidance and support you need to identify the root causes of the affair and work towards rebuilding trust and intimacy.
In marriage counseling or coaching sessions, you will receive a roadmap for healing your relationship and moving forward together.
Even in a broken marriage, surviving infidelity is possible.
We’re here to help. Book a complimentary couples consult, and we’ll help you navigate the path to affair recovery.
How common is cheating in marriage?
Infidelity is a prevalent issue in marriage. However, it is challenging to obtain accurate statistics as people often downplay their involvement in extramarital affairs. Studies have shown varying estimates of infidelity rates among married people, ranging from 20% to 70%.
How do you know when to leave a cheating spouse?
First, consider whether your partner’s infidelity was a one-time occurrence or a repeated pattern. Evaluate if your partner has taken responsibility for their actions, expressed genuine remorse, and made efforts to change. Additionally, assess how staying in the marriage might affect your well-being and any children involved.
Do cheaters always cheat again?
While some people believe the statement “once a cheater, always a cheater”, it is not a universal truth. Whether or not a person will cheat again depends on various factors, such as their willingness to grow and change and whether the root causes of their affair were resolved.
Does infidelity pain ever go away?
Infidelity can cause intense and long-lasting pain. However, it is possible to heal and move forward from it. With time, the pain may become less intense as you reach a point of acceptance. Many couples who have experienced infidelity benefit from marital therapy as they move through the healing process.