7 Signs He Doesn’t Want You Sexually & What You Can Do About It

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It can be excruciating when there are signs he doesn’t want you sexually.

And it can hurt when your partner isn’t interested in sex or lacks strong feelings of attraction.

Given that you’re here, your relationship is likely missing physical intimacy, and now you’re wondering if he’s still sexually attracted to you.

Losing interest in sex can signify something wrong between you and your boyfriend or husband.

However, on the flip side, there could be various reasons your partner has lost interest in sex. 

Sexual desire can fizzle due to

  • overall health problems
  • stress
  • an everyday life that’s extremely busy
  • unmet emotional needs
  • mental health issues
  • specific health issues such as heart disease or a hormone imbalance
  • performance anxiety
  • poor body image
  • a build-up of resentment and hurt

Now, let’s explore the most common libido killer and signs your boyfriend or husband isn’t as sexually attracted as he once was.

Why doesn’t my husband want to have sex with me?

When a guy pulls away or has a decreased sex drive, it’s often because he feels disconnected.

Like most women, an emotional connection can help fuel a sex drive in a guy. Therefore, when intimacy is lacking, it can lead to decreased sexual desire.

For example, a lack of sexual desire can stem from emotional disconnection as poor communication, too many shutdowns, or arguments.

Several things can contribute to a disconnection, including stress, busyness, conflict, and resentment.

Conversely, sometimes men lose their sex drive because their sexual advances have been rejected.

Often, spending more time together and being more affectionate can help to reignite the spark in your long-term relationship.

However, if the problem runs deeper, it may be necessary to seek outside help from a marriage counselor or relationship coach. Either way, don’t give up hope – with time and effort, you can win back the sexual connection.

How do you know when a man doesn’t want you?

Date Night Relationship Workbook For Couples

Women often ask us how they’ll know when men don’t want them anymore. They worry they’ll miss the signs or won’t see it coming. However, there are usually plenty of warning signs he doesn’t want to sleep with you.

Typically, there are simple explanations for his behavior, such as mental health challenges like work stress or lack of direction.

But if there’s no other apparent reason for his changes, it’s worth considering a less obvious sign of why his desire for sex has diminished.

If you’re looking to reignite the spark and feel the passion again, pick up the Date Night Workbook.

Warning signs your partner isn’t sexually interested in you

If your guy doesn’t want to have sex or seems distant, it’s normal. Many couples have less sex at one point or another.

However, if your boyfriend or husband doesn’t initiate sex as much as he used to, you might wonder if he is still attracted to you.

You may feel hurt, confused, or even worthless in your relationship.

Your husband’s distance may make you feel emotionally neglected.

The most important thing is to honor your personal experience. His distance doesn’t mean there is something wrong with you.

Here are some potential warning signs to look out for to help you better understand where your guy is coming from.

1. He’s lost interest in other aspects of the relationship.

If you notice your guy isn’t interested in your relationship, it can leave you feeling like he’s not into you.

Has he become distant and preoccupied? Does it seem like he’s not as interested in hearing about your day or spending time with you? Does he make excuses to avoid being around you?

If he’s suddenly more interested in going out with his buddies or working late at the office, it can be a sign that he may not be as interested in being with you as he once was – Which is perfectly normal to an extent.

If your partner has pulled away, it can be confusing and challenging.

The first step is to understand why he’s shut off. For example, is he bogged down by work or stressors and needs extra support from you?

Or, if the spark has left the relationship, set aside time to prioritize the relationship.

Whatever the reason, it’s essential to express your needs too. If you’re feeling ignored or unimportant, tell them how you feel. Talking, and listening, is the first step.

2. He lacks sexual desire, or he doesn’t initiate sex.

Signs He Doesn'T Want You Sexually

If it seems like your boyfriend or husband doesn’t want to have sex, you might be at a point where you feel like he doesn’t want you.

However, his diminished desire for sex doesn’t necessarily mean you’re no longer a subject of desire. A common complaint couples have is that their sex life isn’t as good as it used to be.

If you’re in a committed relationship and your partner doesn’t seem to enjoy sex like they once did, there are things you can do.

The first step is to pay attention to what’s going on in your relationship.

Are there any areas where you’re not connecting as well as you used to?

Is there any tension or conflict that might be affecting your partner’s mood?

If you can identify any issues contributing to the lack of sex or attraction, try to address them in a neutral setting.

Ultimately, it’s important to remember that every relationship has ups and downs. Every storm you weather together makes you stronger.

3. He’s less interested in sexual activities that he used to enjoy.

You may feel hurt in your relationship and rejected if his sex drive isn’t what it used to be.

However, his lack of desire for sex doesn’t necessarily mean you have issues. He could be experiencing a physical issue, such as erectile dysfunction or low testosterone levels.

He may feel guilty for the lack of sex and passion.

If his lack of eye contact or closed body language tells you your boyfriend or husband doesn’t want to have sex, ask him what he needs.

For example, you might say, “I’ve noticed that we haven’t been as sexual as we used to be, and I’m feeling disconnected from you.” If your partner is receptive, you can explore what might be causing the change in sexual interest.

4. Avoiding opportunities for sexual intimacy.

Signs He Doesn'T Want You Sexually

Does your partner seem withdrawn? Or is he not interested in kissing, cuddling, eye contact, or physical contact?

If he’s avoiding sex, it can be hurtful. Especially if sex was once an essential part of your relationship.

If he’s avoiding sexual intimacy, it could be a sign of something deeper. For example, maybe he’s stressed, tired, or has low self-esteem.

5. He no longer makes an effort to look attractive.

It can be disheartening when you notice that your partner no longer seems to make an effort to look attractive for you.

Early on in relationships, it’s common for people to go out of their way to look their best for their new partner. But as time goes on, it’s not unusual for people to let their appearance slide.

For instance, maybe he’s stopped dressing up for date night or neglected personal hygiene.

Perhaps you’re concerned that your partner doesn’t care about his physical appearance because he doesn’t want closeness or sex.

Of course, everyone is entitled to relax their standards a bit over time. But it’s worth discussing if you feel like your partner is no longer making an effort to look good for you.

Often, effectively communicating your concerns and desires can help resolve the issue.

6. It takes him longer to become aroused.

Signs He Doesn'T Want You Sexually

His low sex drive or lack of arousal probably has more to do with him than his attraction to you.

If your partner takes longer to become aroused, it could be a sign of erectile dysfunction (ED). While ED is not always a cause for concern, it could indicate an underlying health condition.

If your partner has difficulty becoming aroused, he can talk to his doctor, naturopath, or sex therapist. ED is a common problem, and there are many effective treatments available.

In some cases, lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking or losing weight can improve erectile function.

Regardless of the cause, erectile dysfunction can be a sensitive topic.

There may be a simple explanation, such as fatigue or stress, but there’s also possibly something more going on. Talking about what you both need for pleasure can help ensure you’re satisfied with the sex and passion in your relationship.

7. He doesn’t consider your pleasure.

Are you no longer enjoying sex? Does it seem like he no longer makes love but, instead, just has sex with you?

Sex with connection makes a huge difference.

When a man makes love to you, he’s taking the time to please you and ensure you’re enjoying yourself. He’s not just focused on his own needs.

If it seems like he only cares about his sexual needs, then you may not be feeling desirable.

Communicating your needs is critical; perhaps you can explore how to be better lovers together.

What happens when a woman is not sexually satisfied?

When a woman is not satisfied with her sex life, it can ripple effect on every aspect of her life.

She may feel disconnected from her partner, leading to tension and arguments. She may also feel self-conscious and blame herself for her dissatisfaction.

These negative feelings can damage her self-esteem and make it difficult for her to find enjoyment. A lack of sexual satisfaction can also lead to losing interest in sex altogether.

This can put even more strain on a relationship, as sex is often essential to a couple’s connection.

Signs he doesn’t have feelings for you anymore

There are a few key signs that your husband doesn’t have the same level of desire for you anymore.

First, if he’s no longer interested in being intimate with you, it can signify that his desire has cooled.

Another sign is if he’s become more critical of you and is always pointing out your flaws. He finds fault with what you do, and it seems like nothing you do is good enough for him. He may even start making cutting remarks about your appearance or your intelligence.

More likely, though, he’s feeling overwhelmed and needs some space. Or, there could be other issues going on for him.

Signs to know if he doesn’t love you anymore

One of the most challenging things to experience in a relationship is feeling like your partner is pulling away from you. Less sex or passion can leave you feeling unloved.

It can be hard to tell what’s going on with him and even harder to figure out how to fix it.

If you’re wondering whether or not your husband or boyfriend still loves you, here are some things to look for:

He’s less interested in physical affection.

If your husband used to be all over you and now seems indifferent, it could signify that he’s lost interest for some reason.

He’s working longer hours or spending more time away from home.

If he’s suddenly pouring all his energy into work or hobbies, it may be because he’s trying to avoid being around you.

He doesn’t want to talk about the relationship.

If your husband shuts down when you bring up the topic of your relationship, it could signify he’s pulling away.

Related Article: Signs He Doesn’t Love You

Signs your husband doesn’t find you attractive quiz

If you’re worried your husband doesn’t find you attractive anymore, you’re probably looking for signs he isn’t turned on by you.

Fortunately, some telltale signs can help determine if your husband is still interested in you. Here is a quick assessment you can take to get a read on where he’s at.

Does he still find you attractive – Quiz

  • Does he still make an effort to show you he cares about you?
  • Does he take the time to do things that make you feel special, like gifts or surprising you?
  • Will he listen to you when you speak or share your feeling?
  • Does he support your goals and dreams?
  • Will he reach out to touch, make eye contact, or hug you?
  • Do you still have sex?
  • Does he ever compliment you or express appreciation for what you do?
  • Does he spend time with you?
  • Will he do things for you without you having to ask?
  • Does he make an effort to contribute to you and make your life better?

If you’ve answered “yes” to any of these questions, there are signs he wants you sexually. There’s a good chance he still finds you attractive and cares about you.

If you answered “no” to all of these questions, it could be a sign that his attraction isn’t there.

However, it’s more likely that deeper issues are going on. Or he’s showing you love in ways that are not your love language, so you can’t recognize the affection.

What to do if your partner doesn’t find you sexually attractive?

If your partner doesn’t have a sexual attraction to you, it can be tough to feel confident and sexy. You may feel rejected by your partner and wonder what you can do.

First and foremost, spend time together focusing on intimacy and connection rather than just sex. This means regular date nights, cuddling, showing him you desire him with your body language, relationship check insanything that makes you feel close to each other.

Emotional intimacy begets attraction, so the more time you spend together feeling connected, the more likely your partner will start to see you in a sexual light again. If possible, try to be patient and understanding while this process unfolds.

Related Article: How To Make My Husband Attracted To Me

How do you develop intimacy in a conversation?

Intimacy is often thought of as a physical act but can also be developed through conversation.

For example, best friends are typically able to share intimate details about their lives without feeling self-conscious or uncomfortable. They have developed a level of trust and comfort with each other that allows them to be open and honest.

This level of intimate conversations can also be cultivated in marriages or long-term relationships.

Intimacy is developed through years of shared experience and understanding. With some effort, partners can share their thoughts as though they are best friends.

Conversation is essential to sex because it allows partners to connect deeper. By sharing, we develop closeness.

What questions build intimacy?

Sex helps build trust, emotional closeness, and a sense of connection. However, developing a healthy sex life can sometimes be difficult, especially if you’re unsure how to get closer.

Asking your partner questions is one of the best intimacy exercises for strengthening your connection. Questions encourage communication to build trust and emotional closeness.

Questions for building intimacy

  • What are your thoughts about us?
  • What do you need from me emotionally?
  • How can I support your dreams and goals?
  • What makes you feel loved and connected?
  • What are your fears and worries about us?

So, if you’re looking for more intimate relationship energy, try asking some of these questions.

What is the most intimate question?

Signs He Doesn'T Want You Sexually

Connection is built on deep trust and mutual vulnerability. To create a deep connection with someone, we must be willing to share the parts of ourselves that we keep hidden away from the world. The most intimate question is the one that allows us to do just that.

The most intimate question reveals the things we are most afraid to say out loud. It’s the question that makes us feel seen and understood. And it’s the question that reminds us we are not alone.

The most intimate question is different for everyone, but it always has the power to bring us closer together. So ask yourselves, what is the most intimate question you can ask your partner? And then, ask and listen with an open heart.

If you’re feeling stuck in your relationship and want to feel more connected again, join the Intimacy Workshop.

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What to do when your partner doesn’t want to be intimate?

If your partner isn’t interested in sexual intimacy, it can be challenging to know how to respond.

Before you jump to conclusions, take a step back and understand why your partner may not be interested in sex.

There could be any number of reasons, from stress and anxiety to a medical condition. If you’re unsure what the reason is, it’s best to talk to your partner about it. Open communication can help you better understand each other’s needs.

Related Article: What To Do When Your Partner Doesn’t Want To Be Intimate.

Get support with your sex life and mental health

When you’re on the same page, you can work together to find a solution that works for both of you. But if you’re struggling to communicate, it may be time to seek professional help from a relationship coach.

An online marriage counselor or relationship therapist can help you explore the issues preventing you from being intimate with your partner. With guidance, you can learn how to communicate better with each other and find ways to be intimate even when things aren’t perfect.

Book a complimentary couples consult to see if relationship coaching is right for you.





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