What To Do When Your Partner Doesn’t Want To Be Intimate?

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What to do when your partner doesn’t want to be intimate?

If your partner doesn’t want to be intimate, it can be a real struggle for both of you. However, intimacy is vital in healthy relationships. Without it, it can be challenging to build a strong bond.

When you’re in a long-term relationship, it’s normal for sexual activity to ebb and flow. One person may feel particularly frisky while the other is dealing with stress or just not in the mood.

However, if your partner consistently doesn’t want to be intimate, it can be challenging to know what to do.

The first step is to talk with your significant other about your sex life. There may be an underlying issue, such as anxiety or depression, impacting their desire for sex.

If that’s the case, seeking counseling or medical help may be necessary. However, there may also be more mundane reasons for your partner’s lack of interest, such as work stress or low libido.

Trying things like scheduling regular date nights or arranging for more alone time together may be helpful in those cases.

Why is sexual intimacy important?

Sexual intimacy is essential because it’s a profound way for both men and women to connect with their partners. Without sexual intimacy, you may question if your partner loves you or has lost attraction to you. It’s what establishes trust and builds happiness in a relationship. Sex can help keep a relationship interesting. No sex drive can ruin a relationship.

Can a relationship survive without any intimacy?

Most people feel that a sexual connection is essential to a romantic relationship. After all, intimacy in a relationship helps create a solid emotional connection between two people. Without sexual desire, many relationships would quickly become little more than friendship. However, a partnership can survive without any physical or emotional intimacy. In some cases, couples may grow apart and lose the spark that they once had. However, as long as they can still communicate and share their lives, they may be able to maintain a strong bond. The relationship can still be enriching if both partners are understanding and supportive. Ultimately, whether or not a relationship can survive without sexual energy depends on the couple involved.

Why your partner doesn’t want to be intimate?

Many couples ask why their partner doesn’t want to be intimate. There could be many reasons why this is happening. Of course, not everyone thinks about sex in the same way. One person may desire sex a few times a day, while another wants sex a few times a month. It could be that your partner feels overwhelmed and needs time to themselves. Or they could feel insecure or anxious about sexual intimacy.

If your person doesn’t want sex, it could also be that they’re not in the mood for sex right now. In other cases, outside factors, such as a medical condition or certain medications, may prevent them from being physically intimate. The most common reasons for men not wanting sex tend to be more about sexual functioning, such as erectile dysfunction. Or they may not want sex because they expect more respect from their partner. On the other hand, women tend to avoid sex because they feel emotionally neglected. Women tend to feel like men are only interested in sex rather than an honest conversation where they can feel heard and understood.

With partners playing different roles and interested in such different things, it’s vital to understand what the other may expect from you. If you’re feeling disconnected from your partner, try scheduling some time to cuddle or have a simple talk without needing to involve sexual actions. These small gestures can help to bridge the gap and bring you closer together.

Why does my partner avoid intimacy?

Many couples reach out to us for relationship coaching because they don’t have sex anymore. More often than not, one person avoids physical closeness out of fear.

Why fear may be holding your partner back from sexual intimacy

  • They may avoid jumping into sexual intimacy because they’re afraid of sexual issues like erectile dysfunction.
  • Your significant other may have different preferences than you and fear rejection.
  • They may be holding onto resentment after you hurt them and afraid it’ll happen again.
  • Religious or personal beliefs around certain sexual actions may be stunting their desire.
  • If they’ve experienced sexual abuse, complicated feelings about sex can surface, and they’re unsure how to resolve their pain.

It’s worth exploring some of these complicated emotions. With some potentially difficult conversations, you can start rebuilding connection and understand what drives this fear.

Once the root of the problem is identified, you can start working together to overcome it. With patience and willingness to grow, you can create a stronger, more intimate bond than ever before.

What To Do When Your Partner Doesn'T Want To Be Intimate

Why is your partner’s sexual desire so low?

There could be many reasons why your partner doesn’t want sex, but some of the most common ones are:

What To Do When Your Partner Doesn'T Want To Be Intimate

1. Tired or stressed

How does stress affect your ability to connect?

When you’re stressed or have anxiety, it can be challenging to focus on anything else. Stress can affect your life and health and make you more emotionally reactive.

Stress can take a toll on your relationship. When you cannot connect with your partner emotionally, your physical bond can weaken.

2. Poor health

If your partner isn’t physically or emotionally well, it’s probably difficult for them to feel pleasure.

If your partner is not feeling well, it will likely affect their ability to connect with you. When you are not feeling well, it is challenging to want sex.

Help them get the rest and care they need so that they can start to feel better.

3. Not feeling attractive

If your partner doesn’t feel attractive, it can be difficult for them to feel sexy or want to be intimate, and can challenge the intimacy in your relationship.

Be understanding and supportive if your partner is not feeling their best. Help them feel good about themselves with compliments and touch. If they feel attractive, they’ll likely want to connect with you physically.

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4. Feeling like they’re not good at sex

It can be hard to stay optimistic about sex if you’re getting negative feedback. But some things should never go un-praised.

So if you’re saying things like “I’m not into this,” try focusing on what your partner does right and how much pleasure it gives you (especially in the moment).

Help your partner build their confidence by telling them what you like about their actions.

Intimacy Workshop For Couples Course

5. Past trauma

If your partner has experienced trauma in the past, it can affect their ability to connect with you.

Trauma can leave someone feeling unsafe, insecure, and uncertain. This can make it difficult for them to trust anyone, including you.

Has your significant other had trauma?

Your partner may not feel comfortable being intimate with you if they have experienced trauma.

They may not feel safe or be afraid of what could happen. Therefore, it is essential to be understanding and patient.

Seek to understand what your partner needs to feel safe so they can open to intimacy, and you avoid trauma bonding.

What To Do When Your Partner Doesn'T Want To Be Intimate

6. They need more effort from you

If your partner puts in most of the effort in your relationship, they might not be happy with your connection.

Your partner may be putting more effort into the home, the kids, the bedroom, or making money.

Does your significant other give more?

When one person gives more than the other, it creates an imbalance in the relationship. This can eventually lead to resentment and conflict.

Relationships require work from both partners and reciprocity.

7. Relationship issues

Your relationship may be in a rough patch, and your partner’s libido may have decreased.

It is difficult for couples to feel close to one another when they are in conflict.

For example, when couples fight, it can lead to partners playing a blame game, and intercourse is the last thing they want.

Conflict can kill libido

If your relationship is in conflict, your partner’s libido has likely decreased.

Maybe your partner feels that you want sex, but intimacy is lacking– and they feel disconnected.

When you’re focused on the problems in your relationship, it’s difficult to feel sexual desire.

If you’re having trouble resolving conflicts with your partner, it might be helpful to seek professional help.

A therapist or relationship coach can assist you in understanding and resolving the conflicts in your relationship. Book a complimentary couples consult.

8. Erectile dysfunction

If your relationship suffers from erectile dysfunction, it could be causing your partner not to want sex.

Erectile dysfunction ED and other sexual issues can cause both partners to feel disappointed, let down, frustrated, confused or anxious. And on the receiving end, ED can create insecurity and suspicion that you could be cheating.

This issue can be challenging to talk about due to stigma or shame. However, discussing ED can help with intimacy and decrease performance anxiety.

9. Sex isn’t enjoyable

If your partner doesn’t find sex pleasurable, then why would they want to have sex? For example, some women have vaginal dryness, making sex uncomfortable.

Explore ways you can be a better lover.

Talk about their likes and dislikes.

If your partner doesn’t want sex, discuss what you can do to make it more pleasurable for them. Have a conversation about what they need to enjoy sex more and have a deeper sexual connection.

Couples have different desires and not everyone like sex in the same way. Get to know your significant other.

How do I talk to my partner about lack of intimacy?

It can be challenging to discuss your sex life, even with the person you love. You might feel guilty or like there’s something wrong with you because they don’t want to be sexually intimate.

But the truth is, many couples go through periods where they’re not as physically close or having as much sex as they’d like. There are many reasons this can happen – work stress, different libidos, or feeling disconnected.

Have tough conversations about their lack of sexual interest and what they think they need to increase their sex drive.

To get on the same page, discuss how you’re feeling and what it’s like to want sex more than they do. Avoid the blame game or criticism.

Listen to their perspective, and see if you can find a compromise.

What happens when the intimacy is gone?

If your person has lost interest in sex, it can be hard to know what to do.

You’re likely feeling hurt and confused.

You may even feel worthless or unloved.

It could seem like your partner loves you but doesn’t desire you, leaving you lonely and rejected.

You may wonder if your husband or wife is not attracted to you anymore and if there’s anything you can do to fix it.

Thankfully, there are ways to bring sex back. It may take effort, but investing in your relationship is worth it.

By trying to rekindle your relationship’s intimacy, you can bring new life into it and create a stronger bond than ever before.

Should I stay in a sexless relationship?

If you’re trying to decide if you want to stay in a sexless marriage, you’re probably looking for a simple answer. However, there are some things that you may want to consider before making your decision. For example, how important is sex to you?

Are there other areas of your relationship that are strong and satisfying? Would you be willing to work on improving your sexual relationship with your partner?

Ensure you are taking care of yourself emotionally and physically. Staying in a sexless relationship can be challenging, but finding satisfaction and intimacy in other ways is possible.

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How do you fix intimacy issues?

Intimacy issues can be tough to fix, but there are a few things you can do to work on rebuilding trust and closeness. Being intimate goes beyond far sex and starts outside of the bedroom. The path to more sex and better sex life is built on emotional closeness.

It’s about sharing your thoughts and experiences. It’s about feeling comfortable being yourselves around each other.

What to do when your partner doesn’t want to be intimate?

Intimacy is integral to a relationship, but what do you do if your partner has a low libido?

1. Talk to your partner about sex

What To Do When Your Partner Doesn'T Want To Be Intimate

Share your thoughts and feelings, and listen to your partner. One of the most important steps in fixing a broken relationship is re-establishing open communication. Talk about what’s going on for you, and listen to your partner when they’re talking.

Be willing to have tough conversations about the intimacy issues in your relationship. You and your person have different preferences. To rebuild your intimate connection, understand your person’s desires and why they lost interest in sex.

These difficult conversations can lead to an honest look at the inside and outside factors causing the distance.

Rebuild intimacy

Talking can help rebuild intimacy if you can avoid jumping into defensiveness and blame. A conversation can create more openness if you can discuss your sex life calmly.

Define intimacy for yourself and ask your person what it means to them. Talk openly about your preferences. It can help strengthen your bond.

If your significant other isn’t interested in being sexually intimate, talking to them about it can be a huge help.

2. Find other ways to connect

What to do when your wife or husband doesn’t want you? Reconnect.

Some ways of being intimate with your spouse do not involve sexual actions. These avenues could also be worth exploring.

One way to do this might be by engaging in non-sexual contact, such as holding hands or sitting close together on the couch while watching television.

Connection is what allows us to feel intimacy.

When we share closeness with someone, it brings us together in a profound way. Intimacy can’t flourish without connection.

Intimacy Deck - Couples Card Games

Ways to build connection in a relationship

  • Spending time together
  • Talking in an open and honest way
  • Communicating effectively
  • Showing empathy and understanding
  • Respecting each other
  • Being supportive
  • Trusting each other
  • Supporting self-care and prioritizing health
  • Having common interests and goals

If your person isn’t interested in being intimate, try to find other ways to connect with them. This can help you feel closer to them and build a stronger bond.

Consider picking up the Intimacy Deck as a way to reconnect.

3. Add in more non-sexual intimacy

What To Do When Your Partner Doesn'T Want To Be Intimate

Spending time together is an essential step toward an intimate connection. Make sure you have regular date nights or at least some time every week when you can focus on each other without distractions.

Take turns talking and listening about what’s going on in your life.

Spend time together doing things you both enjoy. This can help you to reconnect on a deeper level and feel more connected overall.

Try playing with sexual energy without having sex.

If you’re only interested in having more sex, then sex isn’t about your partner. If sex is just about you getting off, it’s not about sharing a meaningful connection with the person you love.

Why would a partner’s lack of attentiveness make a personal interest in sex?

A selfish sex drive can be a real turn-off for your partner. Maybe they feel your sexual energy is more about what you can get rather than about you wanting to share a connection.

4. Explore touch

What To Do When Your Partner Doesn'T Want To Be Intimate

If you have a touch love language, you likely prefer physical expressions of love to all other forms.

This doesn’t necessarily mean that sexual activity is the most important thing to you but that you appreciate affection.

Touch is how you feel most loved, whether it’s a gentle hug, a playful tickle fight, or simply holding hands.

Try to find non-sexual ways to physically express your love, such as cuddling on the couch or giving backrubs.

This can include things like cuddling or holding hands. Plus, don’t forget the little things like kisses, hello, and goodbye!

If your partner’s love language is not touch, communicate your needs. Otherwise, you may end up feeling neglected and unloved.

Talk about their love language and discuss yours as well.

5. Be patient and understanding

Everyone is different, and it takes time for some people to feel comfortable being intimate.

How can being understanding to your partner lead to a better relationship?

If they don’t want to be intimate, being understanding and supportive can help make them feel more comfortable and lead to a better relationship. By being understanding, you help create a foundation for a closer connection.

The most important thing you can do is communicate effectively. Talk to them about why intimacy is important to you. Find other ways to connect with them and be understanding and supportive.

6. Create more safety

Creating emotional safety can help with intimacy by helping your partner feel more comfortable opening up and sharing their feelings.

When you create a safe and trusting environment, it can help your significant other to feel more comfortable being intimate with you. This can lead to a stronger, more meaningful connection between you.

How can sexual abuse affect your partner’s ability to connect?

Sexual abuse can significantly impact a person’s ability to connect with others. Survivors of abuse often experience feelings of betrayal, isolation, and self-blame. This can make it difficult for them to trust others and form close relationships.

Additionally, survivors of abuse may feel uncomfortable or unsafe being intimate. This can lead to problems in their personal and professional relationships.

What to do when your partner doesn’t want to be intimate because they’ve had trauma? Help them feel like they have complete control over what happens to their body.

One idea worth exploring is practicing consent. If your partner has been touched without consent, it may make them shut down when touched.

Have a conversation and explore what it’s like for your partner when you ask permission before touching them.

Be patient

If your significant other is a survivor of abuse, be patient and understanding.

Allow them to take things at their own pace, and don’t push them to be more intimate than they’re comfortable with.

Remember that you should never pressure someone into doing something they’re not ready for.

7. Get support

What To Do When Your Partner Doesn'T Want To Be Intimate

A couple’s sex life can be vital to the health and happiness of a relationship.

What to do when your partner doesn’t want to be intimate, and you’ve already tried everything? Get support.

Not everyone can have a simple talk about their relationship and have the sex life they crave.

Seek couples counseling or therapy if you’re struggling to discuss issues. A professional will support you to get on the same page, build a healthy relationship, engage in intimacy exercises, and work through any underlying issues.

What To Do When Your Partner Doesn’t Want To Be Intimate? Join the Intimacy Workshop

Get more support and rebuild intimacy with the Intimacy Workshop.

Intimacy Workshop For Couples Course

How do you tell your partner you need more affection?

One of the most common complaints couples have is that they are not getting enough affection.

After all, your partner may not even realize that you are feeling neglected.

One approach is to start by expressing gratitude for the affection you do receive. This will help to create a positive and open dialogue.

Then, explain how you are feeling and why you need more affection. For example, maybe you are feeling a bit disconnected and would appreciate some more physical closeness. Or perhaps you need some extra reassurance during a difficult time.

Whatever the case, make sure to express your needs clearly and concisely.

How do you fix lack of emotional intimacy?

One of the most common marital complaints (especially from women) is a lack of emotional intimacy. This can manifest in many ways, including feeling that your partner is never really there for you or that you’re always on the outside looking in.

If you’re feeling disconnected from your spouse, take action to try and repair the situation. The first step is to simply talk to your partner about sex.

Once you’ve expressed your needs, it’s time to work together to try and find solutions. This may involve making more time for conversation, planning regular date nights where sex is on the table, or finding new ways to connect emotionally.

With a little effort, it’s possible to improve emotional intimacy in your marriage and feel close to your spouse again.


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