Relationship Repair – How To Mend A Relationship

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Relationship repair is possible even when there has been extensive damage.

Repairing relationships can seem impossible. Especially if things have turned toxic between you and your partner or you’ve been in a long-run rough patch.

If you and your spouse are struggling to mend your relationship, this post will answer some of the most common questions and give you steps to get a broken marriage back on track.

What breaks a relationship?

Relationship Repair

There are common signs your relationship is beyond repair to look out for. Trust can break between people if one person does something hurtful—from chronically refusing to talk about problems to compulsive lying.

If your current partner constantly puts you down or disrupts your mental health, you might even think of ending things.

Feeling distant isn’t a sign your relationship is beyond repair.

It’s normal for people who love each other to hurt each other. But if you’re with the right person, they will see your relationship is worth saving.

The important factor is not what caused the breaking but how quickly you make up.

What toxic relationship patterns are repairable?

Most toxic relationships and broken trust can mend when both partners are willing to do the work to fix things.

However, one of the major signs your relationship is beyond repair is if there is irreparable damage, such as physical abuse. Please contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline for support if you’ve experienced physical abuse.

On the other hand, research shows that most relationships can recover. Even with a deal breaker as damaging as cheating, there is hope.

Relationship repair is possible even if you’re struggling

Can a damaged relationship be repaired?

Mending a relationship can feel like a roller coaster, but it is possible with both partners’ time, effort, and commitment.

You may be asking yourself, ‘Is it worth fixing a broken relationship?’

If there are signs your relationship is beyond repair, it doesn’t mean it’s time to end things. If there is love, respect, and willingness in your relationship, it’s worth saving.

Work to talk to each other without triggering a fight, flight, freeze, or fear response. You can start to rebuild a sense of emotional safety.

To feel comfortable and rebuild happiness, take care of yourself. Practicing self-care will ensure you have the balance needed to mend your relationship.

How do you know if a relationship is repairable?

How do you know if a relationship is beyond repair?

This is an important question that can be difficult to answer.

Relationship repair depends on the couple’s needs, the circumstances, and the effort. There are, however, several signs your relationship is salvageable.

Although relationships can break down due to trust issues or simple misunderstandings over time, they can heal with healthy communication.

And if romantic partners can walk their talk with consistent effort, there is a good chance they could restore the warmth and intimacy necessary for healing their relationship.

How do you rebuild a broken relationship?

Relationship Repair - How To Mend A Relationship

Fixing a broken relationship is no easy feat. It requires hard work, dedication, and a willingness to compromise from both parties involved.

If there are signs your relationship is beyond repair, take care of your mental health and follow the steps to rebuild.

Commit to repairing

First and foremost, if there are any signs your relationship is beyond repair, both of you need to commit to working toward a resolution.

If your partner’s point of view is that they didn’t do anything wrong, it will be more challenging to recover.

For example, suppose only one partner is trying to fix the issues while the other person remains unwilling or uninterested in repairing their bond.

In that case, it’s not easy to make progress.

Healthy relationships require each person’s active participation and involvement.

Related Reading: My Husband Thinks He Does Nothing Wrong

Start communicating again

One of the most challenging things about being in a troubled relationship is the lack of communication. When communication breaks down, it can feel like your relationship is beyond repair.

The truth is that communication is essential for building trust and understanding in any relationship.

So if you and your partner have been steering clear of important conversations to avoid conflict, we recommend couples therapy or relationship coaching before things are beyond repair.

Talking is essential for progress.

It’s impossible to resolve conflicts or rebuild trust if one of you can’t express your feelings.

Therefore, strive for honest dialogue where you both feel safe being vulnerable with one another. So, make eye contact, talk about what’s bothering you, and hear what you’re partner has to say before things are beyond repair.

Get better at listening

The key to rebuilding a broken relationship is for both people to feel understood.

Listen to one another and be honest about your feelings, thoughts, and needs in the relationship.

Focus on compassion rather than criticism

Frequent criticism is one of the warning signs your relationship is beyond repair.

It’s easy to slip into criticism when you’re feeling hurt or frustrated with your partner.

It’s even common for couples to put each other down, but when criticism becomes the status quo, it’s one of the blaring signs your relationship has to change.

If you’re questioning ‘how to repair my relationship’, focus on compassion rather than criticism.

This means speaking kindly, listening without judgment, and trying to see your partner’s perspectives through their life lens.

As a result, you can work together towards common goals instead of getting caught up in blame games.

Express gratitude

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To save your relationship, show appreciation for each other regularly—from well-meaning compliments to thoughtful gestures of love and affection.

Gratitude gives more room for love and security within the relationship that can pave the way for dealing with conflict when issues arise.

To help create more appreciation in your relationship, pick up the Appreciation Game.

Find forgiveness

Resentment is one of the early signs things are beyond repair. Harboring anger towards each other is toxic to your relationship and mental health.

The cure for mending the toxic relationship pattern of resentment is forgiveness.

Forgiving your partner can be the difference between continued distance or growing stronger together.

Add self-care into your daily life

It is also crucial to regularly engage in self-care activities like exercise, mindfulness practices, journaling, or hobbies.

If you don’t take care of yourself, you can’t take care of your partner or relationship.

Self-care helps you manage difficult emotions more effectively.

So make sure you’re practicing self-care by getting enough sleep, eating healthy, and doing things that bring joy into your life (not just obligations).

Take care of your mental health

Relationship Repair - How To Mend A Relationship

Also, developing healthy coping strategies can help you keep the peace when issues arise between you and your partner.

When disagreements arise, take time to process your feelings. Taking time to cool off before continuing the conversation can help deescalate tense situations.

Conflict isn’t easy, but healthy coping strategies can help you argue less often and recover quicker.

Create mutual respect

A lack of respect for your partner is one of the warning signs your relationship is beyond repair.

Building mutual respect for one another can help lay the foundation for healing.

In other words, be open to each other’s opinions and thoughts, even when you disagree.

Reconnect emotionally

For any real progress to happen, reconnect emotionally by spending quality time together that doesn’t involve arguing or discussing past issues.

This could include engaging in activities you both enjoy, such as going for walks together, creating a couples bucket list, or discussing things that don’t involve potential triggers.

Seek Professional Help

Sometimes, marriage counseling is the only thing that brings a relationship back from beyond repair. Especially if there are more severe issues, broken trust, or ongoing relationship problems.

Couples counseling can be vital in repairing broken relationships.

Additionally, through counseling, married and engaged couples learn the skills for building a loving life together.

Book a free consult for your relationship today.

How do you get out of a conflict cycle?

Often when there is damage in a relationship, couples get caught in a cycle of fighting and making up. Getting out of a conflict cycle, or constantly fighting, can be difficult.

Understand their point of view

Relationship Repair - How To Mend A Relationship

In many cases, couples are stuck in a conflict cycle because they don’t understand each other’s needs or where they’re coming from.

The first step to overcoming a conflict cycle is to start to see things from your partner’s perspective.

When an argument begins, acknowledge and express your feelings, but do so in a respectful way that doesn’t immediately put your partner on the defensive.

The goal is to create a safe space where both people can express their feelings without escalating into an argument.

Validate feelings

Take turns listening and validating one another’s feelings and perspectives, even if you disagree. This tactic helps both people feel heard and understood instead of just talking at each other.

This could be offering an apology, understanding, or simply taking a break if things get too heated.

The idea here is to show that you understand what the other person is saying and want to work together toward a solution.

Compromise for connection

During arguments, each person will have different needs due to differing perspectives – find common ground to make progress.

To reach a compromise, look for any shared goals or interests between you and focus on those rather than the things that divide you. This will help build trust between yourselves and create win-win solutions where possible.


Practice self-awareness when entering conflicts. Recognize your triggers that fuel negative responses. That way, you can recognize when to take a beat rather than react.

Take breaks

Taking breaks from conversations when emotions become too charged lets you cool down and get some perspective. The resolution won’t happen from a trigger state, so commit to resuming conversations when you’re both within your window of tolerance.

Set boundaries

Have clear boundaries about acceptable behavior during arguments; this allows you both to feel safe while maintaining respect for each other’s perspectives.

Create shared meaning

Relationship Repair - How To Mend A Relationship

Arguments often happen because we have different interpretations of the same situation. Take the time (once emotions have cooled) to check in with each other and ensure that your understanding of what happened matches up.

This helps solidify agreements between you, so you’re not repeating misunderstandings in future conversations.

Can emotional damage be repaired?

Yes, relationship damage can repair. However, it’s vital to make an effort before too much damage has happened.

Repairing the damage in a relationship is not about blaming your partner for your pain or trying to fix them.

Instead, it is about creating a safe environment where both parties can acknowledge their feelings and communicate them effectively.

Repairing relationship damage may feel awkward because it involves uncomfortable conversations and exploring hurtful subjects.

However, the ultimate goal should be learning how to move on from the issues that have caused the hurt to restore trust and rebuild a healthy relationship.

During this process, couples must work on being vulnerable, validating each others’ feelings, and listening without judgment or criticism.

In doing so, couples can create an atmosphere of understanding and empathy, eventually leading to healing and improved communication within the relationship.

In short, repair takes time and effort. Still, it is possible if each party takes responsibility for their role in hurting their partner.

What does it mean to heal emotionally?

Healing emotionally in a marriage can mean various things, depending on the relationship and its particular dynamics.

Generally speaking, it means, first and foremost being able to accept one another as flawed human beings with different needs and wants.

It means forgiving each other for mistakes or miscommunications and learning how to effectively communicate better so that misunderstandings can be avoided in the future.

What builds emotional intimacy?

Relationship Repair - How To Mend A Relationship

If there are signs your relationship is beyond repair, commit to your partner’s happiness through intimacy.

Your partner is one of the most important people in the world to you. If there are any signs your relationship is beyond repair, take time to reconnect, so you avoid going your separate ways.

Breaking a relationship can happen in an instant, but repairing a relationship can take time. If there is no love between you and your partner, intimacy can bring back the happiness you once had.

Building intimacy in a marriage requires more than just physical attraction and desire. It is based on mutual understanding, respect, trust, and vulnerability.

Related reading: Marriage Intimacy Exercises

Heart to hearts

Good communication is vital to creating a solid connection between two people. Couples can connect by talking about their feelings and experiences, listening, expressing kindness and gratitude, and showing appreciation for the little things they do for each other.

Understanding how your partner feels and seeing new perspectives on issues helps build stronger bonds of empathy and compassion.

Share your struggles

Additionally, share your fears and worries in your relationship. And when something is bothering your spouse, ask what’s the matter.

Spending time together

Date Night Relationship Workbook For Couples

Engaging in activities together can also create closeness within a marriage, whether exploring new places in the world, taking a walk, or sharing stories over dinner.

Taking time out of your day to do something special as a couple can ensure you’re spending quality time together.

If you’re looking for fresh, new ways to spend time together, pick up the Relationship Date Night Workbook for 122+ unique date ideas.

Physical affection

Additionally, finding ways to express love and desire through physical affection, such as hugs and massages, can create closeness while relieving stress. Share what kind of touch helps you feel loved so you can fulfill each other’s love languages.

Get on the same page

Overall, building emotional intimacy requires effort from both partners. Through regular relationship check ins, you can get on the same page and feel aligned as a couple again.

Love each other through the conflict

Relationship Repair

Healing emotionally also involves recognizing that conflict is natural in relationships. Learn how to navigate conflict respectfully – without name-calling or personal attacks.

Respect differences

Additionally, healing emotionally means understanding that your partner has their perspective on things, which may not always align with yours. Respect those differences of opinion and find a way to reach a mutual understanding or compromise.

Seeing the good through the bad

Healing involves actively showing appreciation for one another when it feels like life’s demands are overwhelming – genuine acts of kindness can do wonders to reignite a marriage’s spark.

Deepen trust

With ongoing dedication towards creating meaningful moments together that deepen trust, understanding, respect, and vulnerability, couples will form an indelible bond that will carry them through even the toughest times life may throw at them.

To support you in your journey of mending your relationship, pick up the Save Your Marriage Course.

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About Luis Congdon & Kamala Chambers

Lasting Love Connection offers top-ranked couples counseling services. Luis Congdon and Kamala Chambers are co-founders and co-authors of all that Lasting Love Connection offers. They have worked with thousands of couples nationwide via dynamic video coaching sessions and have features in Huffington Post, Inc Magazine, TEDx, Forbes, and Chicago Tribune.

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